Report on the province of Aleppo and its surroundings
Rural Aleppo - Azaaz: News of 5 martyrs and tens of injured that cannot as of yet be reached due to the severity of the shelling and the heavy presence of flying helicopters. Most are civilians but some are military personnel.http://youtu.be/cylMLn0vYyM
1. Martyr 'Ahmad Mohammad Mohammad Ibrahim Alsheikh' of 19 years:http://youtu.be/4fcF1m1z1is
2. Child martyr 'Abdulrahman Ba'aj' of 4 years in the last desperate attempts to revive him:http://youtu.be/wSv_R7fGu9U
3-4. Rural Aleppo - Azaaz: 2 of the martyrs during their evacuation:http://youtu.be/aA73c8cLHf4
* It is not yet known whether these two martyrs are the same 2 anonymous martyrs who were found earlier
5. Rural Aleppo - Azaaz: The hero 'Mahmoud Abdul Latif Hamadan Kano' martyred while he was defending the people of Azaaz.
The funeral of the martyr and his burial:http://youtu.be/-5DR3illYWE
6. Rural Aleppo - Kafrnaseh/Idlib: The death of soldier 'Zakariyeh Yahya Alkada'' from Kafrnaseh, born in 1992, during his military service in Idlib province. He had been paid by his father against his will to serve in Bashar 'the duck's' army and was once wounded in the past.
7. Rural Aleppo - Sandarah: The martyrdom of young 'Eyman Mohammad Suleiman' while he was defending the civilians of Azaaz. His funeral and burial was in Sandarah.
8. Rural Aleppo - Sandarah: Defected soldier 'Abdul Karim Alhaseen' who was martyred while defending the people of Azaaz. His funeral and burial was in Sandarah.
9. Rural Aleppo - Qabtan Al Jabal: Martyr 'Ahmad Fahd'ashoor' during the shelling that targeted one of the poultry farms.
10. Rural Aleppo - Qabtan Al Jabal: 'Saloom Mohammad Saqal' martyred during the shelling that targeted one of the poultry farms.
11. Tareeq Al Bab district/Damascus: The martyrdom of young 'Ahmad Mansour' from a bullet by Assad gangs upon his attempt to defect yesterday in Damascus.
12. Rural Aleppo - Ihtimalat: The young hero 'Samah Al Ahmad' was martyred yesterday on Sunday in the city of Azaaz while he was defending the civilians of the city. He was 26 years old and was married with a child of 2 years.
Bidding farewell to the martyr:http://youtu.be/Gy0w-plYUE4
Praying for the martyr:http://youtu.be/Mb6uFqa_GDI
After the burial:http://youtu.be/b7eANe_NoPo
13. Al Haydariyeh district: Assasination of 'Anwar Haj Abbas Abu Haydar' of 35 years was found killed by a bullet in his area.
1. Wounded and injured-
• Rural Aleppo - Azaaz: More than 50 injured due to the violent and intensive shelling
2 children wounded from the heavy shelling at a hospital:http://youtu.be/M2w1to8W0Bg
Injury of their mother:http://youtu.be/I5_HrNJ3zG4
Civilian critically injured by a shrapnel:http://youtu.be/HZxFXbMn75k
Civilian injured by a shrapnel in his lower back:http://youtu.be/SJ_HrlgkalE
Video from yesterday of an injured and unconscious childhttp://youtu.be/rsNBlnQ1D_A
• Rural Aleppo - IkhAndeen: Following the shelling of the town, 'AAndd Abdulsalam Tamr' and child 'Mostafa Bin Abdullah Al Abd AlAndAndAndr' of only 11 years were seriously wounded.
• Rural Aleppo - Qabtan Al Jabal: 3 wounded and 2 martyred by artillery shells targeting one of the poultry farms of the village.
2. Rural Aleppo - Azaaz: Effects of the destruction and the continued shelling since the past few days that is ongoing and escalating.
The heavy shelling of one of the houses lead to the almost complete fall of the upper floor. The rest remains suspending.http://youtu.be/ENsivH_l_ZI
The destruction of civilian houseshttp://youtu.be/pfYayZbAXUo
Even schools are legitimate targets for shelling:http://youtu.be/GNB3qdn58dU
The destruction of shopshttp://youtu.be/mgNpRa6xi7M
The destruction of olive presseshttp://youtu.be/y6VR2sCmNsQ
The impact of the destruction and and smoke billowing from buildings:http://youtu.be/kRuOHADmrW4
The impact of helicopter shelling and the amount of destruction in the city:http://youtu.be/uH9M8qL0eEA
One of the rockets that targeted one of the houses:http://youtu.be/rJoqnI9ytdA
Even the destruction of cars:http://youtu.be/A6hVyJeHPyQ
3. Rural Aleppo - Darat 'Izeh: Water, electricity and communications are cut off for the second day in a row, which is the case for the rest of Rural Aleppo.
4. Rural Aleppo - Al Atarib: Some of the impact of rocket and artillery shelling on the city.
One of the houses which has been targeted by a rocket had its roof blown off in one of the rooms:http://youtu.be/ZZD-QiqEVJI
5. Rural Aleppo - Tal Rif'at: The city continues to suffer from the cut off of water, electricity and telecommunications and inhabitants fear of shelling from artillery and and rocket launchers, as is the case in a nearby town.
6. Rural Aleppo - Ikhtireen: There is a state of panic following the heavy shelling that targets the town and the fall of martyrs and wounded, causing many to flee.
7. Saif Al Dowleh district: Heavy security presence alongside the blocking of the road and searching pedestrians in conjunction with a pro-regime march.
Cases of gunfire
1. Qadi Askar- Heavy shooting at Qadi Askar roundabout.
2. Al Mushat college- Shooting at the faculty, the area where rural Aleppo is bombed from, reported news of clashes taking place.
3. Salah al Deen- Heavy shooting in Salah al Deen district, thought to be the sound of clashes, heavy gunfire was opened from Al Nasser land and street 15 in Salah al Deen.
4. Western Rural Aleppo- The sound of machine guns were heard within the 46 Special Forces Regiment, in the surrounding areas where clashes took place between the Assad army and the Free Syrian army, the cause for the shooting inside the regiment remains unknown.
Places that were bombed/shelled:
1. Rural Aleppo - Azaaz: The city is experiencing renewed artillery shelling at a rate of a shell every 5 minutes, which is the most violent and the worst campaign that the city has witnessed since the beginning of the revolution. The shelling, sounds of bombs and clashes were live broadcasted.
The situation is very tragic with heavy shelling on the city from all types of weapons and the fall of at least 4 martyrs and tens of injured, who as of yet cannot be reached as a result of the intensity of the shelling and the heavy presence of flying helicopters.
Assad tanks still try to raid the city from the northern side:http://youtu.be/Dif82XHk8L4
The media centre was targeted by a tank shell because it was live broadcasting the ongoing bombardment of Azaaz.
Tanks have started to enter the city, whilst the shelling remains continuous:http://youtu.be/7ndEraBWlk4
One of the shells as it was falling:http://youtu.be/TSQDHyRThEs
The fall of another shell on residential buildings:http://youtu.be/kfFtC8xX6ok
Video footage of 20 minutes broadcasted live of attempts from the army to break into the city from its northern entrance.http://youtu.be/S-Qyp0tmazI
2. Rural Aleppo - Kal Jibreen: The town is experiencing heavy rocket shelling from Assad's helicopters.
3. Rural Aleppo - Akhtareen- Artillery shelling on the town in addition to the serious injury of one person so far.
4. Rural Aleppo - The artillery tank present in Al Sheikh Suleiman shelled one of the houses which led to the martyrdom of two workers and the injury of three others, the bodies of the two martyrs remain on the ground and could not pulled out from under the rubble.
5. Rural Aleppo - Kafar Halab- Shelling of the town from the 46 regiment, shells fall on civilian houses, as well as complete cut-off of electricity.
Number of times that heavy army equipment was seen ‘tanks and armoured vehicles’
Rural Aleppo - Azaaz: Regime tanks in the northern side of the city in an attempt to raid the city:http://youtu.be/Dif82XHk8L4
Helicopters in the sky which are contributing to the bombardment:
A convoy of regime tanks stationed 3km from the Turkish border:http://youtu.be/mqjoetifgWk
Demonstrations that had fire opened onto:
1. Al Sikaree district: Evening protest was subjected to open fire from security forces:http://youtu.be/MFg_2NxvC_c
1. Al Khaldieh - Air Force Intelligence raided Al Khaldieh neighbourhood and arrested 3 people, one of which was a 17 year old male.
2. Masaken Hanano - Campaign of raids and arrests carried out by gangs of Assad security in Al Amalieh neighbourhood.
Demonstrations in the city of Aleppo:
Freedom callers that participated in the demonstrations that the province of Aleppo saw today all came out calling for freedom, to topple the regime and to show solidarity and support of the occupied, besieged and uprising cities, especially Aleppo suburbs, as well as to persevere with the revolution until victory is gained, and to rebuild a better Syria for all.
1. Bostan Al Qasr district: A sit-in that turned into an angry demonstration in support of young male 'Mohanad Ghabash' who is likely to be sentenced to death and 'Noura Qanawati' and all the other detainees. Numbers reached over 5000. The live broadcast from the district:
The sit-in turning into a demonstration:http://youtu.be/rMJqOCIeQNc
Clips from the demonstration:http://youtu.be/2A0f8fDHJKY
Raising the independence flag:http://youtu.be/g1pllW19F9A
2. Al Ashrafieh- http://youtu.be/S3nAfjSNvWA
3. Al Maghayer- Evening demonstration from Abu Huraira mosquehttp://youtu.be/JCizZqfpuKU
4. Jam'iyet Al Zahraa'- http://youtu.be/rdnZHBHPeN4
Chanting loudly in support of Salah al Deen-http://youtu.be/YzWu5MHFehk
5. Al Sakhour- Evening demonstration http://youtu.be/wEL380CakMA
Crossing Hanano highway-http://youtu.be/HKpkpmmukTc
6. Salah al Deen- Evening demonstration after Ishaa prayers from Al Khudur mosque
Crowds of demonstrators in Salah al Deen-http://youtu.be/noza0xuGI8M
Thousands marched towards Salah al Deen roundabout-http://youtu.be/dFyH0EZ-pUE
Steadfastness of the demonstration-http://youtu.be/bWhamlgP4IM
7. Al Mashihad/ Al Ansari- Evening demonstration after Ishaa prayers from Al Mu’minoun mosque, which marched and met with another demonstration in Al Ansari-http://youtu.be/1fAFLJN0p3M
The moment when both demonstrations met-http://youtu.be/cfok-ScpVs4
8. Al Sikaree- Evening demonstrationhttp://youtu.be/8SbKJHOrLDs
Chants led by a child freedom caller-http://youtu.be/sTTmd77XtV0
The demonstration was exposed to gunfire by Assad security-http://youtu.be/MFg_2NxvC_c
9. Bostan al Qasr- Evening demonstration from Badr mosquehttps://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=320833814677267&set=a.114930265267624.21960.113270092100308&type=1&theater
10. Al Haidarieh- Evening demonstration from the four junctions.http://youtu.be/B4PiDBbuhDM
Reported demonstrations with no video footage- Al Sakhour, Jam'iyet Al Zahraa', Al Rabi’ Al Arabi (Tareeq Al Bab), Al Ansari, Al Kallaseh, Al Miyassar, Al Firdous.
Demonstrations in rural Aleppo:
Similarly to the city of Aleppo, all the demonstrations that came out chanted to topple the regime, for freedom, to execute bashar and to show solidarity with the students of Aleppo university on campus against the atrocities committed by the regime, as well as to persevere with the revolution until victory is gained, to show support and solidarity with uprising and besieged cities and with the martyrs of this revolution.
1. Ihtimeelat: The funeral procession of the martyr 'Samah Ahmad' at around dawn time:http://youtu.be/973-7IVUQB8
Part of the demonstration:http://youtu.be/WdkW_t-Os0E
2. Al Atareb: Afternoon demonstration from the Big mosque. Protestors chant "God is Great" from inside the mosque and when exiting, with members of the Free Syria Army being present:http://youtu.be/NkZd2fFPH7o
3. Daaret Izzeh: Great demonstration lead by a young girl with great banners:http://youtu.be/ZMzr_xIy4oA
4. Bzaa- Evening demonstration from the Big mosquehttp://youtu.be/R6dIt_Nmke0
5. Souran- Funeral procession of the martyr ‘Ahmad Mohammad Al Sheikh’ in Azaaz-http://youtu.be/xzjrxqy1q14
6. Dabiq- Evening demonstration in support of the martyr Lieutenant ‘Anas Ismail Hamdosh’, chants led by a child freedom caller-http://youtu.be/zX_or1w4Y7w
7. Tuweiheeneh-http://youtu.be/d4Wgrc9cDVw
Reported demonstrations with no video footage- Kafar Hamrah, Bzaa, Menbej, Al Safira, Sreen, Al Saharra, Batbo.
Peaceful revolutionary activities:
1. Suleiman Al Halabi district: Distributing leaflets around the neighbourhood calling for those silent to end their silence:http://youtu.be/m1KwG4bOva4
2. Bostan Al Qasr district: Crowded sit-in for the detainees holding up the names of 'Mohanad Ghabash' and 'Noura Qanawati'http://youtu.be/mX2ugpvaSYw
When the sit-in turned into a demonstration:http://youtu.be/rMJqOCIeQNc
3. Al Ashrafiyeh district: Anti-government sit-in in front of Salah al Deen mosque at 7pm with participants dressed in black uniform that was called for yesterday. The slogans were aimed to prevent Kurds from fighting and turned into a demonstration calling for freedom.
Some of the photos from a pantomime on the current situation and in particular on the Kurdish fighting.
4. Engineering Union: Sit-in by the Aleppo Engineering Union asking for the freedom of the detained:https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=341332415942155&set=a.341331529275577.76497.340988199309910&type=1&theater
1. Rural Aleppo: The defection of soldiers 'Mostafa Mahmoud Fares from battalion 199 mega and 'Ramadan Mohammad Rouh Sabooni' who have joined the Northern Brigade.http://youtu.be/kHWA0xpiglU
2. Defection of first deputy 'Khalid Alaa' Al Din Ibn Mohammad' from the Aleppo criminal security forces, who joined the Suqoor battalion of Northern Idlib:http://youtu.be/0W84FGV_MV8
Delayed videos and news:
1. Bostan Al Qasr district: Evening videos from yesterday:http://youtu.be/zGqwK6nVHII
2. Evening from Bostan Al Qasr, on the occasion of a groom celebrating his wedding in a revolutionary mannerhttp://youtu.be/9i_sPWPBzMo
3. Video emerged from Friday the 22nd June 2012 showing armoured vehicles attacking the demonstration in e Al Din and claiming the lives of martyrs and inflicting injuries by firing indiscriminately.http://youtu.be/wt0hg7xvn8o
1. Observers arrive in Al Kanadee hospital today, who were of course accompanied by armed tours who are part of the airforce intelligence [mukhabaraat] and who prevented any righteous doctors from giving honest testimonies.
When the observers arrived:http://youtu.be/KfO9shvb8EY
A clip of a tour inside the hospital:http://youtu.be/wRRkEaVXfNg
2. Al Sheikh Maqsood district: Doctor 'Niazi Habash', who was kidnapped in the middle of the night, was discovered thrown in a firing field with torture marks of beating. His condition was described as serious.
Summary of Monday 9th July 2012
Number of arrests: 3 - and an arresting campaign Hanano residential area
Number of martyrs: 12, 2 of the martyrs being from yesterday
Number of protests: 30, 16 of them in the city and 14 in rural Aleppo
Peaceful revolutionary activities: 4
Number of protests that had fire opened on them: 1
Number of cares of opening fire: 4
Number of shelled places: 5
Number of times that heavy army equipment: 1
Number of defections: 19
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