Report on the province of Aleppo and its surroundings
1. Rural Aleppo - 'Afreen - Aqeebeh village: 'Ahmad Habash', 28 years, whose body was found in farmland a day after his disappearance, and with gunshot wounds on his body: http://www.midyanews.com/Ar/Read/1090.html#prettyPhoto[gallery1]%20/0
2. Rural Aleppo - al-Atareb: hero First Lieutenant 'Ahmad Abdulrahman al-Faj' martyred during clashes at the police school in Khan al-'Asal yesterday:https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=324778174282831&set=a.114930265267624.21960.113270092100308&type=1&theater
3. Jam'iyet al-Zahra': 'Ahmad al-Haj Khaleef', 3rd year medical student in al-Furaat university, was arrested at a checkpoint last Thursday because of pictures that had emerged showing him at a demonstration and being aware of the revolution on his mobile. His body was placed in front of his parent's house today. He was the eldest son in the family:https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=327329260693202&set=a.226507754108687.50763.226315094127953&type=1&theater
4. Al-Sakhoor: female child 'Jaheeneh Jokhadar', 12 years, martyred from sharpnel and 2 bullets in the stomach:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9OIie5VH21A
5. Tareeq al-Bab: 'Hasan al-Marar Ibn Khalaf', from al-Batoush tribe, martyred from his injury caused by shelling.
6. Al-Sheikh Najjar: 'Fiyad al-Hamadee', from the 'Oumairat clan, 50 years and with 6 children, was martyred by a bullet from the army.
7. Rural Aleppo - Mare': 'Alaa' Ahmad al-Rihawee al-Nasr' martyred in Masakin Hanano from security bullets.
8. Idlib/Saif al-Dowleh:'Omar Haboush', 22 years, martyred at a checkpoint in Saif al-Dowleh when soldiers at the check point opened fire and shot him in his stomach. He was originally from Idlib.
9. Rural Aleppo - Manegh: female 'Rima al-'Ajwaz Bint Ahmad', 82 years, martyred from the shelling 5 days ago and her death was only just found out.
10. Masakin Hanano: ''Amer al-Waylee', 30 years and married with a daughter, martyred from open fire from security personnel on the airport highway near Mishtal al-Zar' before after [breaking fast time].
11. Aleppo - 'Khalid Mohammad Jadou'' martyred from a sniper shot in Barzeh, Damascus.
12. Rural Aleppo - 'Anadan: 'Salah Abdulsalam' martyred from open fire from shabeeha [regime thugs] on a car on Aleppo-Azaaz way:http://youtu.be/kCUdF1_jsaY
13. Rural Aleppo - Kafar Baseen: 'Ahmad Khaleel Mansour' martyred from open fire from shabeeha [regime thugs] pm a car on Aleppo-Azaaz way.
14. Rural Aleppo - Kafar Baseen: 'Ibrahim Ahmad Mansour' martyred from open fire from shabeeha [regime thugs] pm a car on Aleppo-Azaaz way.
15. Rural Aleppo - Kafar Baseen: 'Ahmad Mohammad Jadou'' martyred from open fire from shabeeha [regime thugs] pm a car on Aleppo-Azaaz way.
16. Rural Aleppo - Kafar Baseen: 'Mahmoud Mohammad Jadou'' martyred from open fire from shabeeha [regime thugs] pm a car on Aleppo-Azaaz way.
-Fifth martyr in a video of the massacre at Ghazee 'Antab-Azaaz way:http://youtu.be/kCUdF1_jsaY
17. Al-Maysar: young 'Mohammad al-Quseir', 26 years and married 2 months ago, martyred during security open fire on protestors after taraweeh [Ramadan prayers].
18. Rural Aleppo - 'Afreen: 'Ahmad Jamo' martyred from a security force bullet inside Homs central prison.
19. Rural Aleppo - Batabo: defector 'Bilal Sa'eed' martyred with a bullet from the army at Maghsalet al-Atareb checkpoint. He was originally from Hama and his funeral procession and burial took place in Batabo.
20. Tareeq al-Bab: 'Ahmad Emad Hamoush', 18 years, martyred from a sniper bullet at Fajr al-Islam junction.
1. Injured and wounded:
- Al-Sakhoor: injuries in the district and the lack of medical equipment:http://youtu.be/LtH_x4mi9IM
Injured child in Safeh:http://youtu.be/8xfCzP7qfT8
Injured girl who later died:http://youtu.be/7UHkleP1Nxk
2. Salah al-Deen: Assad gangs broadcast through loudspeakers that they will be committing a massacre in the district if the Free Syria Army withdraw.
Civilians begin to flee due to the clashes between the Free Syria Army and Assad's battalions. The Free Syria Army ensures the safety of those fleeing in conjunction with open fire in the district.
Civilians fleeing:http://youtu.be/VBFJBKH6JuM
Of those fleeing:https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.238714189582761.53356.100003325468268&type=1
3. Rural Aleppo - al-Bab: Impact of heavy shelling.
One of the mosques hit - Zamzam mosque:http://youtu.be/BQHSyt208lQ
Destruction in residential houses:http://youtu.be/yRCinl49mTk
Targeting and hitting the cameraman at the entrance of the national hospital:http://youtu.be/ZQ8QNA-j2bI
4. Rural Aleppo - Azaaz: impact of rocket shelling, where a plane dropped a shell on the house of martyr 'Farouq Habto', destroying a large part of the house:http://youtu.be/-zctWC5OiF0
Cases of open fire:
1. Salah al-Deen district: Huge explosion shook the district, followed by some very heavy gunfire fired by heavy machine guns.
This morning: Gunfire heard again at around 6:00 a.m.
Sounds of clashes are being heard in Al Zebdeyyeh:http://youtu.be/rPlbDsZ38YA
At night, the clashes between the Free Syrian Army and Assad's army ignited again. Several explosions shook the whole district.
2. Tareeq al-Bab district: Huge explosions are shaking the district and intense clashes are taking place are the outskirts of the area this early morning.
At night, the clashes are still on and 2 explosions shook the area.
3. Al-Sha'ar district: An explosion shook the whole district.
4. Al-Sakhoor district: This morning, regime's militias invaded the district using armoured tanks as they opened some very heavy gunfire using heavy machine guns, targeting the houses of civilians. Consequently, a civilian got martyred and dozens others got wounded.http://youtu.be/eAMjHtui0Bo
Regime's militias continue to target the houses at random using heavy gunfire.
5. Al-Haydareyyeh district: Regime's militias re opening some very heavy gunfire randomly in the district and are terrifying the passerby. Consequently, a woman and 2 men got wounded near Al Khoudra (vegetable) Souk.
6. Masakin Hanano district: Regime's militias opened some very heavy gunfire as afternoon prayers were being held:http://youtu.be/rTo1EW6OQ2k
7. Saif al-Dowleh: clashes and open fire reach the district.
8. Al-A'thamiyeh: heavy clashes at midnight and sounds of an explosion in the district.
Demonstrations that had fire opened onto:
1. Halab Al Jdeedeh [new Aleppo]: Assad gangs open fire on a large evening demonstration after taraweeh [Ramadan prayers]:http://youtu.be/5uhxtbgZXMY
2. Al Khaldiyeh: open fire from Salwar checkpoint on an evening demonstration.
3. Masakin Hanano: open fire on an evening demonstration:http://youtu.be/vfD_efPWFzY
4. Al Maysar: open fire on one of the demonstrations that began in the neighbourhood, leading the the martyrdom of a young man.
Number of times that heavy army equipment was seen ‘tanks and armoured vehicles’:
1. Salah al-Deen: T62 tanks and other convoys on al-Hamdaniyeh highway at 6am.
- Spread of tanks and armoured vehicles which were stationed at the entrances of Salah al-Deen and concentrated themselves near the stadium.http://youtu.be/QYmkQlnfvPU
- Helicopters fly above the district.
2. Al-Hamdaniyeh: concentration of tanks and BMP in al-Hamdaniyeh stadium that are directing themselves towards Salah al-Deen and surrounding it:http://youtu.be/Fv5Dsc7Xzko
3. Rural Aleppo - Azaaz: helicopters shell the city:http://youtu.be/IjYLJ0MbOPk
4. Rural Aleppo - Mare': helicopters shell the city.
Places that were bombed/shelled:
1. Salah al-Deen: mortar shelling and the entrance of tanks and armoured vehicles without taking control of the district. The Free Syria army remains in control:http://youtu.be/8ADd6rZa_RE
-One of the tanks stationed near Al Hamdaniyeh stadium fired 2 shells towards the district.
-Another shell fired from the tanks.
-Shelling with Doushka after midnight.http://youtu.be/R3ExmhHgo8I
-3 shells fired from a tank towards one of the buildings in Salah al-Deen and columns of smoke are billowing.
2. Al Sakhoor: mortar shelling in the district:http://youtu.be/eAMjHtui0Bo
3. Rural Aleppo - Bayanoun: very heavy shelling:http://youtu.be/yVH0YfGm3cU
4. Rural Aleppo - Hayyan: heavy shelling with rockets.
-Renewed heavy shelling and the fall of around 40 rockets until now and the shelling is continuous for the 30th day in a row:http://youtu.be/288AfJqL4t0
-Shelling continues into the night, and shells are visible in the sky before their fall on the population of Hayyan:http://youtu.be/sw2qOa76IwQ
5. Rural Aleppo - Azaaz: helicopters shell the city with rockets and machine guns.
6. Rural Aleppo - Mare': fall of 2 martyrs from the eastern direction, in conjunction with flying helicopters shelling with heavy machine guns.
7. Rural Aleppo - al-Bab: indiscriminate shelling targets residential houses nightly.
8. Rural Aleppo - Qobtan al-Jabal: artillery shelling from al-Sheikh Sumeilan nightly.
9. Rural Aleppo - 'Anajareh: heavy shelling from the 46th regiment and artillery from al-Zahra' and Maqam al-Sheikh Suleiman on the western suburbs.
10. Rural Aleppo - Bashqateen: heavy shelling from the 46th regiment and artillery from al-Zahra' and Maqam al-Sheikh Suleiman on the western suburbs.
11. Rural Aleppo - Hour: heavy shelling from the 46th regiment and artillery from al-Zahra' and al-Sheikh Suleiman on the western suburbs.
12. Rural Aleppo - al-Kaseibeh: shelling from the 46th regiment.
Demonstrations in the city of Aleppo:
Freedom callers that participated in the demonstrations that the province of Aleppo saw today all came out calling for freedom, to topple the regime and to show solidarity and support of the occupied, besieged and uprising cities, especially Aleppo suburbs, Salah al-Deen and al-Midan, as well as to persevere with the revolution until victory is gained, and to rebuild a better Syria for all. Demonstrators also saluted the Free Syria Army.
Daytime demonstrations
1. Al-Hamdaniyeh: morning demonstration in front of al-Kasanee mosque:http://youtu.be/y-GeZhJeUig
2. Al-Sakhoor: demonstration after dawn prayers from al-Mostaghfareen mosque:http://youtu.be/g6B1fFD1srI
Reported daytime demonstrations with no video footage- Bostan al-Qasr, al-Sha'ar, al-Maysar, Tareeq al-Bab, Masakin Hanano, Bostan al-Qasr.
Evening demonstrations
3. Masakin Hanano: very large demonstration after taraweeh [Ramadan prayers] with live broadcasting:http://youtu.be/R79t22xPmI8
Security open fire:http://youtu.be/vfD_efPWFzY
4. Saif al-Dowleh: large demonstration in front of all-Sheet mosque:http://youtu.be/qTVqDVR1uBQ
With the participation of women:http://youtu.be/8Ce__vfXY6U
Long clip:http://youtu.be/Z_hFYimDGNs
5. Al-Sakhoor: large demonstration with live broadcasting:http://youtu.be/maueuqT5pBs
6. Al-Hamdaniyeh: large demonstration after taraweeh [Ramadan prayers] from al-Kasanee mosque and headed towards al-Radwan mosque:http://youtu.be/Eyd1b-ED5eM
The demonstration reached al-Radwan mosque:http://youtu.be/54a_WzHEpbU
7. Halab al-Jdeedeh: very large demonstration from al-Rahmeh mosque. Assad militias opened fire to disperse the demontsration:http://youtu.be/NmuC29IxqgI
Footage from above:http://youtu.be/AerAMgNh_T8
Opening heavy fire:http://youtu.be/5uhxtbgZXMY
8. Salah al-Deen: demonstration from Salah al-Deen mosque after taraweeh [Ramadan prayers] despite clashes in the district:http://youtu.be/WpiNwN_rjhI
9. Al-Sha'ar: large demonstration after taraweeh [Ramadan prayers] in front of al-Shifa' hospital:http://youtu.be/namx7kdmJdU
The demonstration emerging:http://youtu.be/mHVZKdPizYs
10. Share' al-Neel [al-Neel road]: demonstration after taraweeh [Ramadan prayers] from Ammar Bin Yaser mosque and reached Share' Neel roundabout:http://youtu.be/hzGT7CRcBP0
At the roundabout:http://youtu.be/gkDpPolNE5E
11. Aqeewal: demonstration after taraweeh [Ramadan prayers] from Osamah Bin Zeid mosque and hanging the flag on the mosque:http://youtu.be/877PJokxVYw
Raising the flag on the mosque:http://youtu.be/877PJokxVYw
12. Al-Ashrafiyeh: demonstration after taraweeh [Ramadan prayers]:https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=408419739194978&set=a.263640197006267.54829.263596030344017&type=1&theater
Hanging the revolution and Kurdish flag:https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=408426685860950&set=a.263640197006267.54829.263596030344017&type=1&theater
13. Al-Itha'ah: great demonstration:http://youtu.be/TrNQzTgunAc
A child leading the demonstration:http://youtu.be/f6T_njdr570
14. Al-Sheikh Firdous: demonstration after taraweeh [Ramadan prayers] from in front of al-Sheikh Firdous mosque:http://youtu.be/SjfJYcydMNU
'Jannah ya watanna' [My country, paradise - revolution chant]http://youtu.be/6s4nlFkqpjk
15. Jam'iyet al-Zahra': demonstration after taraweeh [Ramadan prayers] fro, Ka'b Bin Malik mosque with the participation of women:http://youtu.be/PZlVN4o1JJU
16. Al-Ma'adee: demonstration after taraweeh [Ramadan prayers] from al-Ma'adee mosque:http://youtu.be/YSfRY8xTHlM
Reported evening demonstrations with no video footage- Bostan al-Qasr (x2), al-Hellok (x2), al-Sikaree, al-Firdous, al-Maysar, al-Hamdaniyeh, al-Sakhoor, Tareeq al-Bab, Ba'eedein, al-Kallaseh, al-Sheikh Sa'eed, al-Khaldiyeh, Bostan al-Zahrah, al-Furqan.
Demonstrations in rural Aleppo:
Similarly to the city of Aleppo, all the demonstrations that came out chanted to topple the regime, for freedom, to execute bashar and to show solidarity with the students of Aleppo university on campus against the atrocities committed by the regime, as well as to persevere with the revolution until victory is gained, to show support and solidarity with uprising and besieged cities and with the martyrs of this revolution.
1. Zeitan: demonstration after taraweeh [Ramadan prayers]:http://youtu.be/xFiEpOgScc8
2. Al-Jeineh: demonstration after taraweeh [Ramadan prayers]:http://youtu.be/q4Hr5SGwwVI
3. Al-Ibzamo: demonstration after taraweeh [Ramadan prayers]:http://youtu.be/xdlGst5sdKQ
Reported demonstrations with no video footage- Kafar Halab, Ihtimalat.
Peaceful revolutionary activities:
1. Al-Sheikh Khadr: freedom-callers block off al-Sheikh Khadr highway:http://youtu.be/5uh0zuK4ilw
2. Bostan al-Qasr: dentists calling for freedom raised the Syrian map near Hutheifah mosque and then demonstrated chanting for victory:http://youtu.be/UATNini6NXc
Pictures from the event:https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=108705235942383&set=a.103593273120246.7225.101256956687211&type=1&theater
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=108683952611178&set=a.103593273120246.7225.101256956687211&type=1&theater https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=108676512611922&set=a.103593273120246.7225.101256956687211&type=1&theater
1. Defections of Brigadier General 'Abdulnaser Farazat' from the Academy of Military Engineering of Aleppo, and first assistant 'Ziad Ahmad Khadr' from the southern security branch:http://youtu.be/UYPBtYiovu0
2. Defection of Brigadier General 'Mohammad Moflah', head of the Mukhabarat [intelligence services] in Aleppo who reached Turkey.
3. Rural Aleppo - al-Bab: defection of pilot 'Abdulrahman Abdulwahab':http://youtu.be/d54up--u57A
4. Western rural Aleppo: defection of pioneering pilot 'Mazen al-Deiree' and the formation of Martyred Children of Houla brigade in the wettest suburbs:http://youtu.be/ZRTmlBX3V0o
1. Salah al-Deen: Assad's family in its rightful place among the rubbish/trash.http://youtu.be/ZyMv5uAFT8o
2. State security burned all the documents before evacuating them to the Centre of State Security:http://youtu.be/FPWvO_bMJ-k
Delayed videos and news:
1. Rural Aleppo - Kafar 'Abeed: demonstration after taraweeh [Ramadan prayers] on Friday calling for the fall of the regime and saluting the Free Syria Army .
Summary for 21/07/2012:
Number of arrests: 0
Number of martyrs: 19 in addition to a martyr from Idlib
Number of protests: 50 (45 in the city, 5 in the suburbs under fire)
Peaceful revolutionary activities: 2
Number of protests that had fire opened on them: 4
Number of cases of opening fire: 8
Number of shelled places: 12
Number of times that heavy army equipment was used: 4
Number of defections: 5
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