Report on the province of Aleppo and its surroundings
1. Al Zabadiyeh: female 'Samia Al Shahabee', 54 years, martyred as a result of the shelling on one of the buildings yesterday night.
2. Al Marjeh: 'Hamza Mohammad Zeidan Al Bakaree', 25 years, 7. Idlib/Saif Al Dowleh: 'Alaa' Sha'bouq', taxi driver, martyred from security gunfire at Al Saliheen police station:http://youtu.be/sfqewX2qdoE
3. Al Kallaseh: 'Yahya Al Salam 'Aleik', a worker in Al Shahrour sawmill near Zeid mosque, martyred from the shelling on Bostan Al Qasr.
4. Al Kallaseh: 'Abdulrahman Yaqatee Ibn Abdulghanee', from the shelling on Bostan Al Qasr.
5. Saif Al Dowleh: 'Ahmad Al Bee', first year chemistry student, martyred while he attempted to flee with his family from Saif Al Dowleh from the shelling.
6. Idlib/Saif Al Dowleh: 'Alaa' Sha'bouq', taxi driver, martyred when a shell fell on his car. He was originally from Armanaz in Idlib suburbs:https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=398594103538318&set=a.372518726145856.86876.372513249479737&type=1&theater
7. Rural Aleppo - Al Jeineh: 'Mohammad Bilal Haj Hamoud', 19 years, martyred from the shelling:http://youtu.be/tPXM7EifSM4
8. Rural Aleppo - Al Jeineh: brother 'Molham Bilal Haj Hamoud', 18 years, martyred from the shelling:http://youtu.be/MHIagj9xIts
9. Rural Aleppo - Al Jeineh: 'Tah Haj Hamoud' martyred in Turkey from injuries he had sustained during shelling yesterday on a crowd of people in the town market, which also killed his nephews (Mohammad and Molham) and critically injured many of his family, some of whom have had limbs amputated:http://youtu.be/OlTYJHsmtTU
10. Al Sikaree: unidentified martyr, killed from sniper bullets during clashes.
11. Rural Aleppo - Al Bab: 'Osamah Abdulameen Jabalee' martyred from the shelling yesterday.
12. Rural Aleppo - Al Bab: 'Omar Al Eisa Jabalee' martyred from the shelling yesterday.
13. Rural Aleppo - Al Bab: female 'Kawthar Rajab' martyred from the shelling yesterday.
14. Rural Aleppo - Al Bab/Masakin Hanano: 'Mahmoud Wakee', 36 years, martyred from a bullet shot by Assad militias in Bab Al Hadeed in Aleppo. He was originally from Al Bab.http://youtu.be/UfGwSkB5XmE
15. Salah Al Deen: unidentified martyr, killed by a bullet shot from Assad militias.http://youtu.be/H2zgZBnzU3w
16. Al Sakhour: unidentified female martyr, killed from the shelling:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HoqiM93x32s&feature=plcp
17. Rural Aleppo - Anadan: 'Mahmoud Qasim Hamadah', martyred from the shelling:http://youtu.be/0BH__P_u_B8
18. Idlib - Aqarbeh village/Al SIkaree: Husam Mohammad Rashed', 24 years, martyred from a sniper shot in Al Sikaree. He was from Aqrabeh and had defected from the 4th division. He was a hero of the Free Syria Army.
19. Al Mayasar: unidentified martyr, killed from the shelling.
20. Rural Aleppo - Afreen - Anab village: 'Mostafa Mohammad Omar' martyred when a tank shell targeted a civilian car from Anadan checkpoint.
21. Rural Aleppo - Afreen - Anab village: 'Ahmad Mohammad Omar' martyred when a tank shell targeted a civilian car from Anadan checkpoint.
22. Rural Aleppo - Afreen - Anab village: 'Hamza Mohammad Omar' martyred when a tank shell targeted a civilian car from Anadan checkpoint:http://youtu.be/yi7NUv7JyEQ
23. Al Sakhour: 'Hassan Yousef Al Muheimeed' martyred from the indiscriminate shelling from Assad militias:http://youtu.be/QjjPOfzw3bQ
24. Al Sikaree: 'Nidal Kathem', 24 years, martyred from a sniper bullet during an operation to liberate Al Sikaree.
25. Rural Aleppo - Al Jeineh: one of the martyrs from the shelling of the market:http://youtu.be/4GaUvqK0fUQ
26. Al Sheikh Khadar: unidentified martyr found in an armoured vehicle that was threw his body near Suleiman Al Halabee junction:http://youtu.be/O8BFr63mWOA
27. Rural Aleppo - Mare'/Al Sakhour: 'Khalid Othman', 33 years, and originally from Mare' was martyred from bullets shot from Assad forces:http://youtu.be/zJAdXKlJFf0
28-31. Jam'iyet Al Zahra': during afternoon prayers in Al Shamee mosque, civilians reported the bodies of 4 handcuffed martyrs, based on the civilian testimony that at dawn today, 2 cars arrived, one of which was a service car, that brought down the martyrs and summary executed them. As a result of the checkpoints in the city, it is not possible for medical aid to reach the area. The martyrs have not yet been identified.http://youtu.be/-D96pesYN6A
32. Tareeq Al Bab: 'Jasim Steif Al Batoushee', 70 years, martyred from the indiscriminate shelling.
*Continuation of the martyrs from yesterday in the central prison:
33. Central prison: 'Mohammad Ramo':https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=444767985545975&set=a.224087154280727.57362.224074560948653&type=1&theater
34. Central prison: 'Amer Agha'
35. Central prison: 'Mohammad Shabeira'
36. Central prison: 'Asem Kaleh'
37. Central prison: 'Abdulrahman Habash'
38. Central prison: 'Haseen' [last name unknown]
39. Central prison: 'Khadar' [last name unknown]
40. Central prison/Idlib: 'Ahmad Al Abdullah Abu Yazen' from Idlib, who was left to bleed to death. Guards prevented prisoners from approaching him until he died.
The number of martyrs from the massacre at the central prison has risen to 16, one of the martyrs being from Idlib, according to information available to us.
41. Al Jazmatee: 'Najmet Al Mateer', 50 years with 3 children, martyred from the helicopter shelling.
42-43. Al Jazmatee: 2 unidentified martyrs in their 30s.
44. Tareeq Al Bab: 'Abdulfattah Samour', 50 years, martyred from the helicopter shelling.
45. Rural Aleppo - Azaaz: 'Mahmoud Abdulrahman Kharfaneh', 25 years, martyred from the shellingg from Manegh military airport.
46-48. Salah Al Deen: 3 martyrs up until now at night, and reports of other martyrs.
Martyrs 'Mohammad Mazeik', 'Mohammad Nafous' and 'Zakariya Nafous':http://youtu.be/hENil3LrfdQ
49. Al Sakhour: unidentified child martyr from the shelling after midnight.
*Martyr from yesterday - 'Ali Mostafa Bathat' who was targeted by an Assad sniper in Salah Al Deen:http://youtu.be/giiGQqBSoW0
*Rural Aleppo - Al Bab: 'Mohammad Al Ragheb Al Shahabee' martyred from the shelling. His name was incorrectly mentioned twice yesterday as 'Alaa' Al Shahabee'.
*Names received yesterday of a massacre in Aleppo central prison:
1. 'Riyad Al Ghabaree' from Afreen
2. 'Zakariya Al Khateeb'
3. 'Yazen Motawa''
4. 'Mohammad Fallahah'
5. 'Ameer Amouree'
6. 'Ali Haseen Khadour' from Al Safeirah
7. 'Mostafa Ahmad Nouree'
8. 'Fuad Ali Ibn Hikmat'https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=444767985545975&set=a.224087154280727.57362.224074560948653&type=1&theater
1. Wounded and injured:
-Al Sikaree: 4 injured from sniper shots.
-Rural Aleppo- Al Jeineh: downpour of rockets and missiles in the market, whitakers it difficult to know the number of martyred and injured.
One of the injured who is critically wounded in the leg, and others wounded in the field hospital:http://youtu.be/ucklGqSWtiw
-Salah Al Deen: around 25 injured from the indiscriminate shelling with tanks after midnight.
2. Central prison: cut off of water and electricity and there is fear of a security and army raid that would cause a massacre.
-Security attempt to raid the prison.
3. Saif Al Dowleh: impact of shelling in the heart of the district-
One of the buildings:http://youtu.be/8UDhVvUWe24
In the district:http://youtu.be/aJNURi-xxnw
One of the shells:https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=387742597959372&set=a.289513401115626.63846.289510667782566&type=1&theater
4. Rural Aleppo - Al Bab: indiscriminate and heavy shelling that caused a massacre:http://youtu.be/z20zqyDtxDQ
Impact of shelling in the tribal district in one of the residential houses:http://youtu.be/eJ7PMzarefk
-Jabal Al Sheikh 'Aqeel: place of martyrdom of Omar Al 'Eisa in his house:http://youtu.be/MR67lfeCkUo
Impact of artillery shelling:http://youtu.be/zJZpwuetH4U
Al Jabal mosque targeted:http://youtu.be/f_SAwt9I7WI
Houses targeted and fragments of shells:http://youtu.be/8yHvFJUa91I
-Civilians bury their martyrs on the side of the road because they fear the shelling: http://youtu.be/IWsAbY7upQc
5. Al Furqan: spread of snipers on the rooftop of Nadi Al Dabat [officers club], near Al Kura Al Ardiyeh roundabout.
6. Al Hellok: residents flee from the shelling:http://youtu.be/YrmZsCg5iZI
7. Rural Aleppo - Al Jeineh: impact of one of the shells on residential houses:http://youtu.be/Ssaomm3DPlg
8. Al A'thamiyeh: houses burnt after shabeeha [regime thugs] looted them.http://youtu.be/13TvUOyOndE
Demonstrations that had fire opened onto:
1. Al Sikaree: security opened fire on demonstrators during a protest during the afternoon in solidarity with districts being shelled.
2. Saif Al Dowleh: Assad snipers open fire from one of the buildings in Al Doha junction.
3. Al Khaldiyeh: Assad militias open fire on demonstrators:http://youtu.be/2hnN-32niy4
Places that were bombed/shelled:
*Yesterday night untilprotestersours of dawn of today: Assad militias shelled the districts of: Saif Alprotestersstan Al Qasr, Salah Al Deen, Al Zabadiyeh, Al Mashahed, Al Sakhour and Hanano.
*Al Zabadiyeh: fall of a missile in the centre of the residential area:http://youtu.be/GQdTSaJMkeQ
*Sounds of renewed shelling at dawn, near Jam'iyet Al Zahra' in Aleppo.
1. Qadee 'Askar: a missile fell on one of the houses and many injured. Clashes remain ongoing between the Free Syria Army and Astakerstias.
2protesters: fall of many shells from helicopters, and continued clashes between the Free Syria Army and Assad militias.
Clear footage:http://youtu.be/USSfT6FkpNw http://youtu.be/KYI6XPILXTU
Impact of the shelling on neighbouring Masakin Hanano with smoke btakers:http://youtu.be/ixfKEyuUjHs
-Evening: renewed rocket and heavy machine gun shelling from Assad militia helicopters on residential houses.
-Midnight: renewed shelling after midnight.
A shell fell from the north eastakersection on the district.
-Assad militias shell Khalid Bin Waleed mosque.
Fall of a shell in the courtyard of Saif Mahmoud school, and the bombing of a house in Al Khadrah market. A chitakersartyred from the shelling and another child is critically injured.
3. Atakers: sounds of takbetakersahu akbar' - Gotakersat] takersarets in Al Htakersd Al Sheikh Fares takers streets. The district is still undergoing shelling from helicopters.
4. Al Sikaree: helicopters shell from the direction of the railway [saknat al hadeed]. Civtakersespond with takbeers ['Allahu akbar' - God is great] from ttakerssetakersBab Al Hadeetakersoptakersl with takerschine gtakersld Aleppo:http://youtu.be/FdDpxeIdnqI
6. Rural Aleppo - Qabtan Al Jabal: heavy artillery shelling from Al Sheikh Suleiman artillery:http://youtu.be/HybKFR503QE
7. Rural Aleppo - Al Jeineh: fall of rockets on populated areas, particularly in the market, and reports of a massacre.
8. Tareeq Al Bab: warplane shelling for more than half an hour, and reports of takersnjured.
9. Al Jazmatee: shelling coinciding with shelling of neighbouring Tareeq Al Bab. Sounds of missiles ring throughout the neighbourhood:http://youtu.be/i7LXgTssVN4
10. Rural Aleppo - 'Anadan: 'Anadan checkpoint targets civilian cars with tank shells, leading takersestruction of cars and those inside:http://youtu.be/yi7NUv7JyEQ
11. Rural Aleppo - Al Ibzamo: artillery and rocket shelling on houses.
12. Al Sha'ar: Dar Al Shafa' hospital targeted with heavy machine guns from helicopters belonging to Assad militias.
13. Al Marjeh: helicopters pound the district with heavy machine guns.
14. Rural Aleppo - Al Bab: violent shelling at a rate of 5 shells every 10 minutes.
15. Salah Al Deen: fall of a shell on Al Khadr mosque road, and many injuries.
One of the buildings is burnt from the fall of a shell, and 3 injuries and 2 martyred that is witnessed by the cameraman:http://youtu.be/KvIcGplqAF8
-Heavy shelling with tanks from around Al Hamdaniyeh stadium targeting residential areas. There is a state of panic in the district.
-3 shells on residential houses near Bilal mosque, with a continued violent campaign by Assad militias on the districts of Aleppo.
16. Masakin Hanano: shelling in the morning in a violent campaign by helicopters on the eastern districts today.
-After midnight: 3 shells fell near Amr Bin Al Jamouh mosque, with fire rising in the area.
17. Rural Aleppo - Baza'ah: fall of a shell on the city, causing fragments to be scattered to long distances. The extent of the loss is not yet known.
18. Rural Aleppo - Hayyan: renewed artillery and rocket shelling.
19. Rural Aleppo - Al Khafseh: Assad helicopters shelled around Al Khafseh, belonging to Manbej city.
Number of times that heavy army equipment was seen ‘tanks and armoured vehicles’
1. Al Sakhour district: Helicopters hovering over the area since the early morning and bombarding it with rockets:http://youtu.be/KYI6XPILXTU
2. Al Sikaree district: Helicopters bombarded the district from the side of the train tracks:
3. Bab Al Hadeed (located in Old Aleppo): Old Aleppo's districts are being targeted by helicopters' machine gunfire:http://youtu.be/FdDpxeIdnqI
4. Salah Al Deen district: Helicopters over the district:http://youtu.be/V4WR1NiLgBM
5. Al Arqoub: Helicopters hovered over the district today.
6. Al Marjeh district: Helicopters hovered over the district today:http://youtu.be/F6gytfbN71w
7. Al Mayasar: MiGs [Russian military aircraft] in the sky:http://youtu.be/-imlKPNpyIo
8. Al Furqan: BMB cars stationed in front of Nadi Al Dabat [officers club]:http://youtu.be/NVKbWoInfic
*Al Jamiliyeh: Sounds of helicopters and their bombardment to nearby districts are being clearly heard in Al Jamiliyeh district:http://youtu.be/3xIsPm08H0g
Cases of gunfire
1. Central prison: following up on the news before dawn, there was a huge explosion in prison and around 6 prisoners were shot at with snipers by Assad militias. The situation of the prison is very tragic.
2. Bab Al Neirab: violent clashes between the Free Syria Army and Assad militias at dawn today between Bab Al Neirab and Al Marjeh.
3. Al Marjeh: violent clashes between the Free Syria Army and Assad militias at dawn today between Bab Al Neirab and Al Marjeh.
4. Saif Al Dowleh: violent clashes at dawn today and sounds of 'tataker[Altakerbar - God is great]. The nature of the operation is not as of yet known.
Impact of the shelling from yesterday night:http://youtu.be/OWTzApuXwlU
5. Al Midan: heavy gunfire heard in the district, for which the cause is not yet known.
6. Al Sha'ar: violent clashes and sounds of heavy gunfire at Al Sha'ar police station, and there is news that the police station has surrendered.
7. Al 'Arqoub/Masakin Hanano: violent clashes between the Free Syria Army and Assad militias in Hanano barracks [thaknat Hanano] and Al Safa cementery. Clashes stretched from Maysaloun street to the Vocational Training Institute street. There are reports of civiliaprotesters, coinciding with continued flying helicopters:http://youtu.be/Ww0rcW89V7Q
8. Al Sakhour: clashes in Al Sakhour and Tareeq Al Bab between the Free Syria Army and Assad militias.
9. Tareeq Al Bab: clashes in Al Sakhour and Tareeq Al Bab between the Free Syria Army and Assad militias.
10. Salah Al Deen: clashes at night between the Free Syria Army and Assad militias and sounds of explosions are heard in the district.
11. Jam'iyet Al Zahra': strong clashes between the Free Syria Army protesterslitias near the Air Intelligence [mukhabaraat] branch in Al Riyadah strprotesterset street].
12. Bostan Al Qasr: sounds of violent clashes and explosions after midnight.
1. Halab Al Jdeedeh: 3 young men arrests while were participating in an evening demonstration.
Demonstrations in the city of Aleppo:
Freedom-callers that participated in the demonstrations that the province of Aleppo saw today all came out calling for freedom, to topple the regime and to show solidarity and support of the occupied, besieged and uprising cities, especially Salah Al Deen, Aleppo suburbs and the districts being shelled, as well as to persevere with the revolution until victory is gained, and to rebuild a better Syria for all. Freedom-callers also saluted the Free Syria Army.
Daytime demonstrations
1. Bostan Al Qasr: morning demonstration after dawn prayers from Badr mosque:http://youtu.be/MiqBmqS-5M0
Birds-eye view footage of the beginning of the demonstration:http://youtu.be/HLjtpxggsso
2. Al Hamdaniyeh: morning demonstration from Al Kasanee mosque after dawn prayers:http://youtu.be/OsB3DLImsyI
3. Al Mashahed: morning demonstration after dawn prayers from Ali Bin Abi Talib mosque:http://youtu.be/fVnN4Y92aSw
Reported daytime demonstrations with no video footage- Al Mayasar, Bostan Al Qasr, Al Sikaree, Al Firdous.
Evening demonstrations
1. Halab Al Jdeedeh: demonstration after taraweeh [Ramadan prayers] from Sa'd Bin Al Rabee' mosque. 3 young men were arrested.
Inside the mosque:http://youtu.be/wTD970Ssjqc
Crowds of freedom-callers:http://youtu.be/_-F65sQ53hk
2. Bostan Al Qasr: 2 demonstrations from Hutheifah Bin Al Yaman and Badr mosque joined and headed to Freedom Square.
Birds-eye view footage of the crowds:http://youtu.be/gcucRQef0a8
3. Al Sabeel: very large demonstration after taraweeh [Ramadan prayers] from Al Sabeel mosque near the state security branch.
Moment freedom-callers emerged from the mosque:http://youtu.be/CEx9aU82Oic
Chants of freedom-callers:http://youtu.be/CJE-QSecCCk
4. Al Marjeh: demonstration after taraweeh [Ramadan prayers]:http://youtu.be/Rh39fiH7JFs
5. Al Furqan: demonstration after taraweeh [Ramadan prayers] from Sa'd Al Za'eem mosque:http://youtu.be/I3u6C9H-dL0
6. Al Sheikh Maqsoud: large demonstration and raising the revolution flag from an electricity pole:http://youtu.be/b9SEHEq0paY
Honouring the martyrs:http://youtu.be/K14RmoF5cKk
7. Al Khaldiyeh: demonstration after taraweeh [Ramadan prayers] that had fire opened onto by security:http://youtu.be/2hnN-32niy4
Reported evening demonstrations with no video footage- Al Mayasar, Al Sha'ar, Al Firdous, Al Sakhour, Saif Al Dowleh/Al Itha'ah, Al Maghayer, Qarloq, Al Ma'adee, Al Hamdaniyeh, Masakin Hanano, Salah Al Deen, Al Jabriyeh, Al Kallaseh.
Demonstrations in rural Aleppo:
Similarly to the city of Aleppo, all the demonstrations that came out chanted to topple the regime, for freedom, to execute Bashar and to show solidarity with Salah Al Deen, the districts being shelled and the students of Aleppo university on campus against the atrocities committed by the regime, as well as to persevere with the revolution until victory is gained, to show support and solidarity with uprising and besieged cities and with the martyrs of this revolution. Freedom-callers also saluted the Free Syria Army.
1. Al Atareb: funeral procession for martyred hero 'Ahmad Al Faj'http://youtu.be/uWikuyy87_w
When the funeral reached the mosque:http://youtu.be/5LxcJmIqtwo
Praying for the martyr:http://youtu.be/1vy0j9Wzzyo
2. Anadan: funeral procession for martyr 'Mahmoud Qasem Hamadeh' who was killed in Salah Al Deen:http://youtu.be/w4TNEBGSz5k
3. Al Jeineh: funeral procession for 'Tah Haj Hamoud':http://youtu.be/FHpVdjisZM0
4. Sandourah-http://youtu.be/OhvC3ON0r6U
5. Dabeq-http://youtu.be/K9GBcxgZjdA
Reported demonstrations with no video footage- Kafar Halab, Manbej.
Peaceful revolutionary activities:
1. Al Hamdaniyeh: the Free Syria Army burn a picture of Al Assad that was hanging in Ihsan Shawqee school.
1-3. Al Kallaseh police station: defection of colonel 'Mohammad Aleel Al Ali', Captain 'Najeeb Arabiyeh' and First Lieutenant 'Qasem Qasem'.
4. Rural Aleppo - Koweirs: defection of pioneer 'Mohammad Rami Bin Omar', head of the road centre in Koweirs.
Delayed videos and news:
1. Al Marjeh: large evening demonstration after taraweeh [Ramadan prayers] yesterday:http://youtu.be/aFmY3vXvF5w
Reading 'Al Fatihah' [verse of the Quran] on the souls of the martyrs:http://youtu.be/eKE3ZBtCnL0
2. Rural Aleppo - Maskaneh: large evening demonstration after taraweeh [Ramadan prayers] in Maskaneh highway yesterday.
Shabeeha [regime thugs[ attempt to attack freedom-callers:http://youtu.be/0y6LeuGjmVU
Freedom-callers resume the demonstration:http://youtu.be/jWZL3RDsJHY
Summary for 24/07/2012:
Number of arrests: 3
Number of martyrs: 46, in addition to 2 martyrs from Idlib who were martyred in Aleppo.
Number of protests: 35 (28 in the city, 7 in the suburbs)
Peaceful revolutionary activities: 1
Number of protests that had fire opened on them: 3
Number of cases of opening fire: 12
Number of shelled places: 19
Number of times that heavy army equipment was used: 8
Number of defections: 4
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