Report on the province of Aleppo and its surroundings
1. Rural Aleppo- Al Bab- Martyr ‘Muneer Muhammad Najjar’, killed during the bombardment of Azaaz, originially from Al Bab city and part of the Free Syrian army, belonging to ‘Abu Bakir Al Sideeq’ brigade.
2. Rural Aleppo- Al Bab- Martyr ‘Mohammad Na’sani’ killed during the bombardment of Azaaz, originially from Al Bab city and part of the Free Syrian army, belonging to ‘Abu Bakir Al Sideeq’ brigade.http://youtu.be/THjCgWAxvrA
3. Rural Aleppo- Al Bab- The corpse of a young male whose identity is not known was found, his face was disfigured and was handcuffed, the corpse was found on the Aleppo- Al Bab highway, near Deir Qaq village.http://youtu.be/6H7-NjS-kTc
4. Rural Aleppo- Deir Qaq- One of the corpses found on Aleppo- Al Bab way near Deir Qaq was identified, a defected policeman called ‘Taher Hmoud’, killed by the Assad army, he was found disfigured and was handcuffed with the other martyr who remains unidentified, his rank number on his identity: 1166775.
Police force card:https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=448194038553950&set=a.242268182479871.64409.201246229915400&type=1&relevant_count=1
5. Rural Aleppo- Ratyan- Martyr ‘Mustafa Fuad Mroosh’ 43 years old, has one child, martyred as a result of bombing.http://youtu.be/HEj912iP4Xw
Prayer for the soul of the martyr before he was buried-http://youtu.be/XOo3KEFsbOQ
6. Rural Aleppo- Kafar Karmeen- Martyrdom of the young male ‘Abd AlMun’em Khaled Abd AlHay Sanoon’ 27 years old and has three children, killed by Assad regime bullets at one of the barriers near Saraqeb as he was returning from Damascus.
7. Idlib/ Al Furqan- Martyrdom of the heroic doctor ‘Abdel Baset ‘Urjeh’ this morning by bullets of armed gangs at AlKurrah AlArdieh roundabout, they followed him from his house to his place of work at the laboratory. Originally, the doctor is from Idlib city where his funeral procession will take place.
8. Rural Aleppo- Kafar Karmeen- An unidentified corpse was found today in Kafar Karmin valley near Al Atareb.https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=392794774117299&set=a.381763105220466.89069.379780905418686&type=1&theater
9. Rural Aleppo- Maaret Al Arteeq- Martyrdom of the recruiter ‘Mohammad AlSikneh’ 20 years old, by the bullets of Assad thugs in Maaret Al Arteeq, he defected four months ago.http://youtu.be/94b0nXkNDHI
Family and loved ones bidding farewell-http://youtu.be/bh239htKm-4
10. Rural Aleppo- Ifreen- Martyrdom of ‘Ezzeldeen Mousa’, killed under torture after being kidnapped by thugs from the BKK Kurdish party, he was a relative and neighbour of the martyr Sheikh Hanan.
* Martyrs from yesterday- Monday 09/07/2012:
- The martyr ‘Ayman Mohammad Abdo Suleiman’ before he was buried:http://youtu.be/kikfh3tc2xo
The martyr ‘Ayman Suleiman’ and ‘Hussein Abd AlKareem’, originally from Homs but were buried in Sundra.http://youtu.be/TvP9q9vSmUA
1. Wounded and injured:
• Rural Aleppo - Azaaz: A civilian injured in the back:http://youtu.be/o2GTBvK9f7A
Another civilian who was seriously injured:http://youtu.be/UnKUk876bh4
• Rural Aleppo - Anadan: One of the injured as a result of the indiscriminate shelling on the city:http://youtu.be/2LDnU19Xd5Y
2. Rural Aleppo - Anadan: One of the rockets that targeted Anadan yesterday:http://youtu.be/lbXJIg71cUA
Day 31: The city of Anadan is stricken by all standards. It remains cut off of all water, electricity and communications (landline and mobile) and is undergoing continued heavy shelling on a daily basis. Assad forces want to stop the revolution in Anadan but the residents remain resilient for the sake of the martyrs.
3. Rural Aleppo - Azaaz: The impact of destruction as a result of the shelling from Managh airporthttp://youtu.be/IP_1lRVIyZ4
The fall of one of the rockets on a residential home:http://youtu.be/jRB0gA7KNSk
New images of the impact of the destruction from the continued and constant shelling on the city:http://youtu.be/20ZDgSludNI
An interview with one of the civilians- an elderly man whose house was destroyed by tank artillery in the continuous shelling from yesterday:http://youtu.be/3ISJdfrbbH8
4. Rural Aleppo - Al Atareb: New images of the destruction in Al Atrab that is still enduring bombardment and open fire:http://youtu.be/GTgp8myufcQ
5. Rural Aleppo - Al Hazwan: The burning of farmland as a result of the shelling from yesterday night (Monday) on the village Al Hazwan which is part of the city Al Bab.http://youtu.be/LPArEkmGPgM
6. Rural Aleppo - Ikhtareen: A car that was hit from the shelling yesterday (Monday) the injuries of those inside.http://youtu.be/joHG78YWYFI
7. Seven shabeeha [regime thugs] pickup vans filled with full weaponry in Sa'ad Allah squarein the direction of Al Midan.
8. Al Marjeh district: In conjunction with an evening demonstration, the district witnessed a heavy security presence. Assad's ruthless gangs break into the area and the presence of two pickup vans, a large van and a Jeep.
Cases of gunfire
1. Rural Aleppo - Al Abzimo: The sounds of explosions and clashes taking place at dawn time at Al Zira'a checkpoint at Al Abzimo junction.
2. Al Sakhoor district: A powerful explosion in Aleppo shakes the eastern districts.
3. Al Miyassar district: Fire opened in Al Khadrah market with the sound of an exploding stun grenade.
Demonstrations that had fire opened onto:
1. Al Firdous district: An evening demonstration had fire opened onto.
2. Salah Al Deen district: Fire opened onto the crowds of protesters in an attempt to disperse them.
3. Al Martini district: Sounds of heavy fire, found to be clashes.
Al Sakhour district: A campaign of arrests after a demonstration in Al Khayarat mosque affecting 5 people next to Al Mostaghfareen mosque.
Places that were bombed/ shelled:
1. Rural Aleppo - Tal Rif'at: The district suffered a violent night from the shelling during the early hours of dawn.
2. Rural Aleppo - Azaaz: The shelling has not stopped on the city for the past few days and the bombing is escalating and intensifying in an unprecedented manner.
- Renewed shelling from helicopters on houses in Azaaz and the neighbouring villages. Satellite channels aired a live broadcast of the shelling:http://youtu.be/CkwN_oKFEDM
- Shells as they were shot from the barrel of tankshttp://youtu.be/SCFQ5TA7J-I
- Strong explosions shake the city alongside a cut off of electricity, water and communications.
- Renewed shelling with hovercraft missiles, tanks and mortar shells
- Renewed shelling from tanks which are deployed at the entrances of the city, accompanied with air bombing that are being used for the first time in Aleppo against the civilians of Azaaz.
Smoke columns rising from the city-http://youtu.be/FY64JcTv-JY
- Evening: Very heavy bombing by tens of tanks that carried out a raid of the city from the northern side, as well as the heavy fall of Katyusha rockets from Mengh airport onto homes, many of which were destroyed as a result of the bombing, a humanitarian crisis has risen in the city due to the high number of injuries and lack of medical equipment in the hospital.
- At night: Renewed artillery and rocket shelling of the city from Al Mushat school onto the steadfast city of Azaaz.
* 20 minute video showing the Assad army entering, bombing and destroying 09/07/2012http://youtu.be/IHuS6jIqORk
3. Rural Aleppo - Bayanoun: Indiscriminate helicopter shelling on the houses of Bayanoun and Hayan with with heavy machine guns and rockets.
4. Rural Aleppo - Hayan: Indiscriminate helicopter shelling on the houses of Bayanoun and Hayan with with heavy machine guns, rockets and artillery. Smoke billows from the town.http://youtu.be/ymhRUoLNPPA
5. Rural Aleppo - Al Atareb: Artillery shelling from regiment 46 and the indiscriminate fall of shells on civilian houses.
6. Rural Aleppo - Hreitan: Renewed shelling despite the presence of observers in the city.
7. Rural Aleppo - Baza'a: Artillery shelling following the violent clashes between Assad's army and the heroes of the Free Syria Army.
8. Rural Aleppo - Kafar Halab: The fall of 3 shells from regiment 46 on civilian houses and flying helicopters in the sky of the town since the morning.
9. Rural Aleppo- Qubtan al Jabal- The town is under heavy night time bombardment from various kinds of arms from the 46th regiment in Jam’iet Al Zahra’and Al Sheikh Suleiman, with shells falling onto houses.
10. Rural Aleppo- Anadan- Machine guns at military checkpoints bombed the city along with tank shells.
11. Rural Aleppo- Al Ziyarra- The Free Syrian Army were returning from Azaaz passing through the two villages of Aqeebah and Al Ziyarra, so helicopters bombed the town without any unconcerned about the citizens there, leading to the destruction of many homes, as well as the fall of many matyrs and injured, the entire area is under high alert.
12. Rural Aleppo- Daaret Izzeh- Violent shelling on Daaret Izzeh using rocket launchers and artillery.
Number of times that heavy army equipment was seen ‘tanks and armoured vehicles’
1. Gazi Antep way- Convoy of tanks and Assad military vehicles, Free Syrian Army attemtps to prevent them from entering.http://youtu.be/TRTt2UZTu5U
2. Rural Aleppo- Bzaa- Flight of warplanes above the city sky-http://youtu.be/rVbME6rbBfM
3. Rural Aleppo- Azaaz- A convoy of tanks approaches the city from both the northern and western sides, fear grows within the citizens as a result of the new military escalation.
4. Rural Aleppo- Ratyan- Helicopters flying above the village.http://youtu.be/1Cwnuu8ngU8
5. Rural Aleppo- Hreitan- Assad aviation flying above the town, to coincide with the visit of the observers.
6. Rural Aleppo- Kafar Karmeen- Flight of aviation above Kafar Karmeen mountain in the direction of Bab Al Hawa where two planes were seen.
Demonstrations in the city of Aleppo:
Freedom callers that participated in the demonstrations that the province of Aleppo saw today all came out calling for freedom, to topple the regime and to show solidarity and support of the occupied, besieged and uprising cities, especially Aleppo suburbs, as well as to persevere with the revolution until victory is gained, and to rebuild a better Syria for all.
1. Al Marjeh- Daytime demonstration http://youtu.be/ERibKn-Sw78
2. Aleppo ‘Revolution’ University- Freedom callers implemented a new idea where they formed the words ‘Allahu Akbar’ (God is great), followed by a demonstration outside Al Asdiqa’ park near the faculty of Mechanical Engineering.http://youtu.be/zcOgCfCWMF4
Filming from above-http://youtu.be/kMRMv9xarMA
3. Saif al Dowleh- Demonstration from outside Zeino mosque, condemning the murder of the martyred doctor ‘Abdel Baset ‘Urjeh’, carrying banners expressing the peoples demand of releasing all detainees, and other banners showing support and solidarity in Salah al Deen, the banners read ‘We will only buy from Salah al Deen’ because of the pressure applied on the neighbourhood.
Reading of ‘Al Fatiha’ from the Quran:http://youtu.be/fjIhe_v1XLw
From the large demonstration:http://youtu.be/-XUCZNRjy48
Chanting for the release of female detainees:http://youtu.be/4KZGhlMYk_o
Documentation of the demonstration in a distinctive video:http://youtu.be/apAFyoX6GHg
4. Al Shahba- Daytime demonstration from Abu Hanife mosque, with the participation of female demonstrators, http://youtu.be/Dn46PZtRYGg
5. Al Marjeh: The funeral of 'Saloum Mohammad Altaqal' who was martyred yesterday as a result of the shelling on Qabtan Al Jabal.http://youtu.be/SuJpO5v65HI
6. Al Marjeh: Evening demonstration from Maqr Al Anbiya' mosque denouncing the assassination of Doctor 'Abdulbaset 'Arjah' and asking for the execution of Bashar.http://youtu.be/1jehtUiKSm8
7. Jam'iet al Muhandiseen: Evening protesthttp://youtu.be/m9TW0igwl78
8. Saif Al Dowleh/Al Itha'ah: Evening demonstration after evening prayers in front of Amina mosquehttp://youtu.be/NlUjj47vuck
The broadcasting:http://youtu.be/GSEj9f4xGK0
9. Salah Al Deen: Demonstration from Salah Al Deen mosque calling for freedom and the fall of the regime, together with another large demonstration in Salah Al Deen Mosque Road came under heavy fire from Assad's gangs in an attempt to break up the crowds.
The large crowds and the moment when the two demonstrations converged, with a microphone and cardboard replicas of Al Khaldiyeh in Homs.http://youtu.be/P2cktEpJpPU
The stability of the demonstration:http://youtu.be/2zyhGZFG12s
Salutations from the freedom callers of Salah Al Deen to the freedom callers of Homs:http://youtu.be/PwQgLtuMmXE
Prayers from the demonstrators: http://youtu.be/gIzN4bAKmDw
Fire being opened onto the protest:http://youtu.be/fogL5qNAGR4
10. Masakin Hanano: Evening demonstrationhttp://youtu.be/YTc6yjbH_QQ
11. Al Sheikh Firdos: Evening demonstration:http://youtu.be/mY1JobpF6CE
12. Al Sikaree: Freedom callers in Al Sikaree in a great evening protest:http://youtu.be/FRrd44HRQa8
Reported demonstrations with no video footage- Halab Al Jadideh [New Aleppo], Al Maghayer, Al Hillok, Bostan Al Qasr, Al Kallaseh, Al Mashhad, Al Firdous, Al Sha'ar, Al Sakhour, Tareeq Al Bab, Al Sabeel.
Demonstrations in rural Aleppo:
Similarly to the city of Aleppo, all the demonstrations that came out chanted to topple the regime, for freedom, to execute bashar and to show solidarity with the students of Aleppo university on campus against the atrocities committed by the regime, as well as to persevere with the revolution until victory is gained, to show support and solidarity with uprising and besieged cities and with the martyrs of this revolution.
1. Al Bab- Funeral procession of the martyr ‘Muneer Muhammad Najjar’http://youtu.be/MEJ1A-G36X0
Funeral procession of the two martyrs from ‘Abu Bakir Al Sideeq’ brigade, ‘Muneer Muhammad Najjar’ and ‘Mohammad Na’sani’ :http://youtu.be/qckPeUc4aEo
2. Ibeen- http://youtu.be/Tv43DZrm4Yo
3. Ratyan- Funeral procession of the martyr ‘Mustafa Fuad Mroosh’http://youtu.be/mZNjj5w5sPI
4. Maskaneh- Evening demonstration:http://youtu.be/mcvUs1WdImA
Reported demonstrations with no video footage- Menbej, Tuqad, Al Jeenih, Ikhtirayn, Beish.
Peaceful revolutionary activities:
1. University of the revolution [Aleppo University]: Free students of the university of the revolution come up with a new and unique activity: they aligned themselves on the ground of 'Friends of University of Aleppo' gardens in front of the faculty of Mechanical Engineering to spell out "God is great." The activity ended with a great demonstration by the free students.http://youtu.be/eQ17GeZ2iWs
2. University of the revolution [Aleppo University]: 'Friends of the revolution' group did a protest sketch in the Faculty of Economics campus in the university of the revolution [Aleppo University] to protest against the arrest of the volunteers and medics of the Syrian Red Crescent.
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=265088510258585&set=a.265088036925299.44857.194711390629631&type=3&theater https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=265088536925249&set=a.265088036925299.44857.194711390629631&type=3&theater
3. Thanking the free tradesmen:http://youtu.be/u902V1mr9EI
1. The observers today visited rural Aleppo (specifically Hreitan.) Most of the trip was broadcasted live from as soon as regime started a new bombing campaign until the observers were about to leave. Assad helicopters were flying over the skies of Hreitan.
2. Rural Aleppo- Maskaneh- A transportation bus belonging to the sugar factory in the town was stolen by an unknown source.
3. Rural Aleppo- Menbej- After Menbejs’ Security and Intelligence units have become security whose only role is to surpress demonstrations and support thieves and thugs, in response the Jind Al Haramein brigade from the Free Syrian Army placed barriers and evening patrols to protect the civilians and their property, they warned the owners of gas and petrol stations from keeping any hidden or kept away.
Delayed news and videos
1. Rural Aleppo - Sandoorah: Funeral prayer on the martyrs 'Eyman Mohammad Abdu Suleiman' and 'Heen Abdulkareem' from yesterday night:http://youtu.be/k3UYU-3Tucc
2. Bani Zeid district: Evening demonstration from Abd Al Rahman Bin 'Ouf mosque with chants for the rebel towns and cities from yesterday:http://youtu.be/9G7ssvScYN4
Number of arrests: 5
Number of martyrs: 9 in addition to a martyr from Idlib
Number of protests: 32 (23 in the city, 9 in the suburbs)
Peaceful revolutionary activities: 3
Number of protests that had fire opened on them: 3
Number of cases of opening fire: 3
Number of shelled places: 12
Number of times that heavy army equipment was used: 7
Number of defections: 0
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