Report on the province of Aleppo and its surroundings
1. Rural Aleppo- Azaaz- Martyrdom of ‘Abd AlAleem Mahmoud Kreen’ 58 years old, as a result of indiscriminate shelling, while he was bringing bread from one of the ovens, it is recalled that the martyr ‘Abu Mahmoud’ was a revolutionary activit in Azaaz.http://youtu.be/qr4alcpwEUg
The martyr while he was chanting in one of the evening demonstrations in Azaaz-http://youtu.be/mIkApMoQoWo
2. Rural Aleppo- Azaaz- Martyrdom of ‘Hussein Waheed’ who was arrested, tortured and killed, his corpse was dumped by the airport.http://youtu.be/w---Xg-T9dA
3. Rural Aleppo- Azaaz- A man whose identity remains unknown, was also arrested, tortured and killed, his corpse was dumped by the airport along with the corpse of ‘Hussein Waheed’.http://youtu.be/w---Xg-T9dA
4. Rural Aleppo- Daaret Izzeh- Martyrdom of the young male ‘Youssef Saeed Al Sheikh’ 16 year old son of Saeed Al Sheikh, died of wounds sustained during the shelling of ‘Hmeiko’ factory a few days ago.http://youtu.be/Ag1wnKoL7h
Prayer for the soul of the martyr-http://youtu.be/1BAQ6JXK0vw
5. Rural Aleppo- Azaaz- Martyrdom of the teacher ‘Sanaa Badry Jameel Othman’ 34 years old, married and has three children, killed as a result of indiscriminate shelling of the city.
6. Rural Aleppo- Azaaz- Martyrdom of ‘Hilal Hassan Hamadi’ from Shawargha village, 5 km west of Azaaz, he was a shepherd, targeted by Assad thugs along with his sheep.
7. Al Sakhour- Martyrdom of ‘Mohammad Nour Dabool’, died suffering from the gun shot wounds he sustained from the barrier at Al Sakhour roundabout.
The family of the martyr saying goodbye before the funeral procession-http://youtu.be/OCzk6IMI_8I
8. Rural Aleppo- Azaaz- Martyrdom of the young male ‘Mohammad Ramadan’ 25 years old, married, died in Kils Hospital in Turkey after spending 10 days in intensive care because he was shot by snipers.
9. Rural Aleppo- Ifreen- Martyrdom of the young male ‘Ahmad Sheikh Nasaan’ at the hands of the Kurdish PYD party thugs, his body was thrown outside Deirsim Hosptial, they prevented his family from approaching until Assad security arrived and kidnapped the body.
10. Rural Aleppo- Azaaz- Martyrdom of the lady ‘Fatima Sayed Ali Mho’ 30 years old, has five children, affected by injuries in Al Kindi Hospital.
Funeral procession of the martyr ‘Abd AlLateef AlSen’ in Tal Rifat, martyred yesterday while he was fighting in Azaaz-http://youtu.be/ByJm0TC96aA
1. Wounded and injured-
• Rural Aleppo- Azaaz- Injury of a civilian by a shrapnel from the helicopter bombing-http://youtu.be/PiFzsHePvQE
Injury of a child by a helicopter shrapnel during the shelling-http://youtu.be/Qv3vJBoXe1w
Injury of a civilian in the knee as a result of indiscriminate shelling-http://youtu.be/4zbPOIDXptA
• Rural Aleppo- Qubtan Al Jabal- Injury of three people due to the artillery shelling which targeted Abu Baker AlSideeq mosque during Isha prayers.
2. Rural Aleppo- Leaked video exposing the insult and torture of detainees by Assad men- http://youtu.be/CugH7bKTwO4
Comlumn of tanks heading towards the western countryside during the Hoor battle-http://youtu.be/H7HvEovP5XU
3. Rural Aleppo- Ratyan- Effects of shelling and destruction caused by indiscriminate shelling-http://youtu.be/Vd1QSQbLGWE
4. Rural Aleppo- Azaaz- Effects of destruction and missile bombardment on the city and civilian homes-http://youtu.be/77eXx6MnAbA
Complete destruction of a house by continuous barrage-http://youtu.be/wy1ee7SX9Kw
5. Rural Aleppo- Anadan-
Accompanied by a member of the Media Centre in Anadan, ‘Abu AlWafa’ reviews the destruction in a home-http://youtu.be/h5VoIfAGQ7E
The destruction Hamza bin Abdul Mutlab mosque and interview with a citizen-http://youtu.be/MSARioAEn7w
Effects of bombing and complete destruction of a home-http://youtu.be/dBrXLODbzNU
Effects of bombing and destruction in Al Karameh square-http://youtu.be/9RifAvoWlOo
Effects of bombing of homes-http://youtu.be/JbDgMh0jIf4
Targeting of electricity networks-http://youtu.be/UK-hEPrHs5M
Destructions of shops as a result of bombing-http://youtu.be/ACZOFSeV_rA
Targeting of schools-http://youtu.be/9dBXsbsAT3A
6. Rural Aleppo- Maari- Ongoing and escalated gas crisis in the city of Maarihttp://youtu.be/nREg6j31UW4
7. Western Rural Aleppo- Heavy shelling during the evening on Injarah, Basartoon and Qubtan al Jabal, whilst the entire western countryside was facing electricity cuts.
8. Rural Aleppo- Ifreen- Burning of shops in the industrial areas of ‘Sayed Batal Musa’ and ‘Azaldin Musa’, it was also reported that the home and shop of Sayed Azaldin Musa were
burned yesterday.
9. Rural Aleppo- Hreitan- Cut-off of electricity, water and telephone communications, in addition to the night time bombing of the town.
10. Al Jamilieh- Shooting in the neighbourhood-http://youtu.be/hYv5d1xzdVU
11. Al Bab way- Severe congestion in front of the supermarket due to lack of consumer food supplies in Al Bab neighbourhood in the city of Aleppo.http://youtu.be/xiCZC5I00ng
Cases of gunfire
1. Rural Aleppo- Azaaz- Effects of bombing and clashes remain ongoing between the two parties-http://youtu.be/iS0uFZ3n5kk
2. Al Jamilieh- Heavy gunfire and several explosions were heard in the neighbourhood and the heavy presence of security-http://youtu.be/AvzQPx97hUs
3. Rural Aleppo- Bayanoun- Intensive shooting from heavy machine guns from the Assad Bayanoun barrier during the evening.
4. Al Bab way- The sound of shooting was heard during the evening in the neighbourhood.
Places that were bombed/ shelled:
Continued artillery bombing of rural Aleppo since this morning and yesterday and every other day-http://youtu.be/UkMlXIlNw6Y
1. Rural Aleppo- Azaaz- Helicopter bombing coinciding with the clashes that took place in the area-
One of the rockets that has not yet exploded-http://youtu.be/ay6ZX_5XfSI
2. Rural Aleppo- Anadan- Random and sporadic artillery shelling, tanks stationed at the entrance of Anadan, which has been under siege for the past 25 days.
3. Rural Aleppo- Bsrtoon- Artillery rocket launchers were used on the western rural village during the evening.
4. Rural Aleppo- Inajara- Renewed shelling with artillery and rocket launchers on Injara village in western rural Aleppo during the evening.
5. Rural Aleppo- Qubtan al Jabal- Renewed shelling with artillery and rocket launchers on Qubtan al Jabal, targeting Abu Baker Al Sideeq mosque, around Isha prayer time.
6. Rural Aleppo- Daaret Izzeh- Artillery shelling on the town and the targeting of civilian houses.
7. Rural Aleppo- Hreitan- Continued indiscriminate shelling of the city using machine guns and missiles at midnight in conjunction with cuts in electricity, water and communications.
8. Rural Aleppo- Al Atareb- Five shells fell on the city and heavy shelling at midnight.
9. Rural Aleppo- Zeitan- A late video from the bombing on Zeitan from 30/06/2012.http://youtu.be/LtclBJBQTWo
Number of times that heavy army equipment was seen ‘tanks and armoured vehicles’
1. Rural Aleppo- Helicopters are still flying above and bombing the city-http://youtu.be/-gWnEw5MdZM
Demonstrations in the city of Aleppo:
Freedom callers that participated in the demonstrations that the province of Aleppo saw today all came out calling for freedom, to topple the regime and to show solidarity and support of the occupied, besieged and uprising cities, especially Aleppo suburbs, as well as to persevere with the revolution until victory is gained, and to rebuild a better Syria for all.
1. Al Shaar- Funeral procession of the martyr Mohamad Noor Daboul from al Muhajireen mosque-http://youtu.be/76XeWRQ45So
2. Al Hillok- Evening demonstration from Hamze bin Abd Allateef mosquehttp://youtu.be/qcDxjPiPm6Y
3. Al Shaar/ Al Bab way- Freedom callers from Abd Al Rahman mosque in Al Shaar marched towards Al Bab.http://youtu.be/yS82VaNL9rw
4. Al Nile street- Aisha mosquehttp://youtu.be/Nr4-YZKbKtA
5. Al Marjeh- evening demonstration from Maqr Al Anbiyaa mosquehttp://youtu.be/YxVD_rS37zA
6. Salah al Din- Demonstrations took off from Al Khudur mosque, Belal mosque and Saad mosque in Salah al Din, crowds gathered in al Shuhada street.http://youtu.be/HrkegMvPpRk
7. Hanano housing- Evening demonstration from Amr bin Al Jumou mosquehttp://youtu.be/19VLk8TPFy0
8. Al Heidarieh- http://youtu.be/hAidu_z-A84
9. Bostan Al Qasr- Evening demonstration from Badr mosquehttp://youtu.be/SmJCKHy9oyM
10. Bostan Al Zahra/ Al Masharqa- Evening demonstration from Hotheifa Bin AlYaman mosque-http://youtu.be/OibtdGXaym8
11. Al Sikaree- Evening demonstration http://youtu.be/ZqRD6CyTqsY
12. Bani Zeid neighbourhood-http://youtu.be/2WYo9JR2jn8
Reported demonstrations with no video footage- Al Miyassar, Karm Al Jabal, Al Mashihad, Al Hamdanieh, Al Firdous.
Demonstrations in rural Aleppo:
Similarly to the city of Aleppo, all the demonstrations that came out chanted to topple the regime, for freedom, to execute bashar and to show solidarity with the students of Aleppo university on campus against the atrocities committed by the regime, as well as to persevere with the revolution until victory is gained, to show support and solidarity with uprising and besieged cities and with the martyrs of this revolution.
1. Menbej- Daytime demonstration from Al Kura Al Ardieh roundabout-http://youtu.be/GLNw2UU1YYg
2. Tal Rifat- Funeral procession of the martyred hero ‘Abd Allateef Asaad AlSan’, that died yesterday in Azaaz.http://youtu.be/MVafGOO7yqY
3. Daaret Izzeh- Funeral procession of the martyr ‘Youssef Saeed Al Sheikh’http://youtu.be/VuvNAN6yvME
Reported daytime demonstrations with no video footage- Dabiq, Menbej.
Peaceful revolutionary activities:
1. Faculty of Law- Student sit-in in the faculty in solidarity with the detained male ‘Muhannad Ghabash’ and in solidarity with the martyred hero ‘Hassan Wasel’.
In solidarity with the martyred hero Hassan Wasel-https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=245969015506373&set=a.245965868840021.34871.100002798284854&type=3&theater
2. Faculty of Medicine- Student sit-in in solidarity and tribute with the doctors in the medical team who were burned.
3. Rural Aleppo- Maari- General strike mourning the lives of the martyrs-http://youtu.be/upFUJ3PDASE
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