Report on the province of Aleppo and its surroundings
1. Rural Aleppo- Tal Rifa’t- Martyrdom of the child ‘Mohammad Sakran’ killed by wounds sustained resulting from the shell that fell on the city yesterday.
2. Rural Aleppo- Azaaz- Martyr ‘Ahmad Kadaree Mohammad’ 42 years old, has six children, part of the Free Syrian Army, killed by the shelling on Azaaz last night.http://youtu.be/oaaOozxfsZQ
3. Rural Aleppo- Azaaz- Martyr ‘Ghazee Mohammad Al’Azou’ 40 years old, has seven children, part of the Free Syrian Army, killed by the shelling on Azaaz last night.http://youtu.be/oaaOozxfsZQ
4. Rural Aleppo- Azaaz- Martyr ‘Isma’eel Thaath’ 20 years old, from AlNeeyara village, defected conscript, part of the Free Syrian Army, killed by the shelling on Azaaz last night.http://youtu.be/oaaOozxfsZQ
5. Idlib/ rural Aleppo- Azaaz- Martyr ‘Isma’eel Hamiroosh’ 21 years old, a defected militant from Jisr Ash-Shughoor, killed by the shelling on Azaaz.http://youtu.be/oaaOozxfsZQ
6. Rural Aleppo- Anadan- Martyrdom of the young male ‘Yahya Omar Ateeq’ 22 years old, died suffering from gunshot wounds inflicted upon him by unknown gangs in Maaret AlArtiq.
7. Rural Aleppo - Mare': Martyrdom of hero 'Mohammad Fowzee Hafeth' of 33 years, who was married with 4 children, who was killed while defeneding the civilians of Azaaz. He is from the city of Mare'.
8. Al Sikaree- Martyrdom of the young male ‘Mahmood Najjar’ son of Mohammad Ziad, 25 year old taxi driver, after Assad security opened fire onto his car from Al Sikaree barrier at 4am. He was secretly buried this morning.
9. Al Firdous- Martyrdom of ‘Youssef Ibrahim’ son of Sameeh, known as Abu Hassan Sheikh Al Thawra, 40 years old, killed at the hands of security at the barrier of AlHajj bridge yesterday (Thursday) evening. He was one of the people who communicate with the FSA and security still have his body.
10. Al Kallaseh/ Al Sikaree- Female martyr ‘Aasia Isma’eel Basha’ daughter of Salah alDeen Basha, killed by security units at Al Sikaree barrier this afternoon, her family and children were also injured. She had fled with her family from Tel Rif'at.
Reports received today *** Aleppo- Central prison- Martyr ‘Fowzi Shareef Nabanee’ a 60 year old Palestinian male, he was imprisoned four months ago, arrested by Assad security from a bus in AlHasakeh, where security stopped the bus and entered to search it, he said ‘God grants victory to the righteous’ and was arrested for that reason. He died inside Aleppo prison, where he had previously been transferred between several security branches. Note he used to suffer heart problems and was not receiving any medical care within the prison. He is originally a Palestinian citizen living in Al Hasakeh.
1. Wounded and injured:
• Bostan Al Qasr- Injury of an elderly man resulting from the shooting-http://youtu.be/6iHPUSEWKOw
2. Rural Aleppo- Azaaz- From the effects of bombing-http://youtu.be/9k_zX4Hc5X0
Smoke columns rising from houses and shelling continues-http://youtu.be/M0kccJxeUSw
One of the shells directly after it fell on a house-http://youtu.be/eik4PN038K8
3. Rural Aleppo- Kal Jibreen- Some of the missiles that were used on the city-http://youtu.be/NFYsw0lrkBE
4. Masaken Hanano- The moment security attacked-http://youtu.be/qO-plgtX7V8
The heavy spread of security present to suppress the demonstration-http://youtu.be/PSVB-vs6Hdo
5. Al Shaar- Spread of security inside the neighbourhood-http://youtu.be/ynSHse8f4n0
6. Al Sakhour- A number of buses and cars belonging to Air Force Intelligence raid the neighbourhood at night.
Cases of gunfire
1. Al Rabee’ AlArabi (Tareeq AlBab)- Very heavy shooting can be heard from the neighbourhood near Al Miyassar.
2. Karm Al Jabal neighbourhood- Shooting can be heard from Masaken Hanano.
3. Salah al Deen- Shooting rounds of gunfire were heard in Salah al Deen at night.
Places that were bombed/ shelled:
1. Rural Aleppo- Tuqad- The outskirts of both the villages of Tuqad and Basartoon in the western countryside, during the shelling that took place at dawn this morning.
2. Rural Aleppo- Basartoon- The outskirts of both the villages of Tuqad and Basartoon in the western countryside, during the shelling that took place at dawn this morning.
3. Rural Aleppo- AlSaharra- Dawn time this morning, bombing began from the 46th regiment and the fall of some shells on the outskirts of Al Saharra village.
4. Rural Aleppo- Al Abzimo- Bombing began from the 46th regiment and the fall of some shells on the outskirts of Al Saharra village, dawntime today.
5. Rural Aleppo- Azaaz- Indiscriminate bombing of the city was renewed this morning, along with artillery fire from Mengh military airport, helicopters fly above the outskirts of the uprising city, Assad gangs began to storm Azaaz cityusing tanks, leading to the martyrdom of three heroes from the FSA and the fall of many injured people.
Rising smoke from houses as a result of bombing-http://youtu.be/j46qlNN2MBo
Storm using tanks and artillery bombing-http://youtu.be/C7h-m-gwmzU
The convoy of tanks whilst it bombs the city-http://youtu.be/sC6uZIFFLFk
Bombing affects everything in the city, from summer houses to schools, the sounds of explosions do not stop as a result of the bombing-http://youtu.be/jSHqrWPs_gI
The shell as it fell directly onto a house-http://youtu.be/eik4PN038K8
Long video-http://youtu.be/p8sbfjVgt30
- At night- Assad brigades are still bombing the city using all types of military weapons from aviation, tanks and rocket fire from the Mengh Military airport.
- Violent bombing from tanks stationed outside the city near the military security building and also at Azaaz junction onto civilians homes.
6. Rural Aleppo- Al Sallameh- Aviation bombing onto houses and homes in Al Sallameh village on the borders with the nearby city of Azaaz-
7. Rural Aleppo- Tal Rifa’t- Artillery and rocket shelling of the city at night from Mengh Military airport.
8. Rural Aleppo- Maari’- Violent bombing of the city from Al Mushat school targeting the homes of civilians at night.
9. Rural Aleppo- Kafar Halab- Renewed bombing on the city from the 46th regiment, as well as the fall of a number of shells north of the town.
10. Rural Aleppo- Al Atareb- Artillery bombing began at midnight onto civilian homes’ in Al Atareb city, roughly one shell every 3 minutes.
Number of times that heavy army equipment was seen ‘tanks and armoured vehicles’
1. Rural Aleppo - Azaaz: A convoy of tanks and BMW cars storm the city with incessant shelling:http://youtu.be/sC6uZIFFLFk
Assad soldiers barricade themselves inside a mosque:http://youtu.be/ShATAP-W61w
2. Salah Al Deen district: Reinforcements within the district and members [of the Assad army and security] are ready to open fire with machine guns.http://youtu.be/QXeugykSpNY
Demonstrations that had fire opened onto:
1. Salah Al Deen district: Heavy fire opened onto a demonstration from Bilal mosque after Friday prayers which resulted in many wounded. Members of the Free Syria Army confront Assad's gangs after they opened fire on the demonstrators.
2. Al Sha'ar district: Security open fire on a protest in the district:
The security's offensive and opening fire:http://youtu.be/ICyQCoYDsT8
3. Al Sikaree district: Heavy fire opened onto demonstrators which resulted in a rise of the number of martyrs and many injured.
4. Al Firdous district: Security forces open fire and use tear gas against demonstrators after Friday prayers.
5. Bostan Al Qasr district: Security gangs open fire on demonstrators causing many wounded.
Birds-eye view of the shooting:http://youtu.be/1pgQyi7wBoI
Clip from the protest including the burning of a picture of Al Assad and the moment when fire was opened:http://youtu.be/shzQPy6GmGE
The spread of security:http://youtu.be/QaMFmF6NPF8
6. Masaken Hanano district: Open fire on demonstrators.
7. Karm Al Jabal district: Assad's gangs raid the district with 7 pickup vans heavily armed with heavy machine guns. Assad's gangs opened fire on unarmed demonstrators causing many wounded and it was difficult to provide emergency aid to them as Assad's gangs encircled the district.
8. Al Firdous: Assad's gangs open fire on protestors during an evening demonstration.
9. Bostan Al Qasr / Al Kallaseh: Live fire and tear gas on protestors and the sounds of explosions.
1. Al Sha'ar: Arbitrary arrests affect many passers-by at Al Sha'ar roundabout.
2. New checkpoint on Aleppo Road: Al Bab: The detention of the youth of Al Bab since the late afternoon near the airport bridge. Around 100 young men have been deterined thus far.
3. Karam Al Jabal: Security forces attack a demonstration, close off the district and arrest several people after publicly hitting them.
* Air Intelligence [Mukhabarat] in Salah Al deen have detained Alaa' Al Deen Malees, born 1990, for almost a week. He is a young revelutionary from Al Sikaree and has been transferred to a court martial.
Demonstrations in the city of Aleppo:
Freedom callers that participated in the demonstrations that the province of Aleppo saw today all came out calling for freedom, to topple the regime and to show solidarity and support of the occupied, besieged and uprising cities, especially Aleppo suburbs, as well as to persevere with the revolution until victory is gained, and to rebuild a better Syria for all. Demonstrations emerged in condemnation of the massacres committed by the Syrian regime and in solidarity with Al Treimseh.
Daytime demonstrations
1. Salah Al Deen: Morning demonstration after dawn prayers from Bilal mosque in support of Treimseh:http://youtu.be/UnHkFd2vNDo
Large demonstrations in Salah Al Deen joined to become one demonstration and it moved from Al Mashihad district to Al Ansaree district and from there to Saif Al Dowleh, where security were gathered, so the demonstration changed direction back towards Salah Al Deen.
A great view of the masses in Salah Al Deen:http://youtu.be/1QYI7kYfaPo
In Al Shar'ia road where there was not enough room for the demonstrators:http://youtu.be/mIEWIwMT76A
Clips from the demonstration:http://youtu.be/clHN2eTjNhk
Clips from above the crowds:http://youtu.be/gBtfljphd48
When the crowds arrived at the outskirts of Al Mashihad:http://youtu.be/hPZNEO4BQ8U
In Al Ansaree:http://youtu.be/_Sazt5dQVRY
To the direction of Saif Al Dowleh:http://youtu.be/joTtWeYt_Bo
Members of the Free Syria Army lead the crowds with courage:http://youtu.be/ermd5VPi5pI
2. Al Sha'ar: Demonstrations after Friday prayers from Noor Al Shuhada' mosque and Al Dalatee mosque calling for the fall of the regime and the victory of the rebel towns. Security gangs open heavy fire to disperse the demonstrators:http://youtu.be/yHadNF2F4xc
Demonstration in Noor Al Shuhada'http://youtu.be/XLWH38_0p1A
The convergence of the two demonstrations:http://youtu.be/laSzQpymthU
At Al Sha'ar roundabout:http://youtu.be/Oe7X7rWeSi0
The security's offensive and opening fire:http://youtu.be/ICyQCoYDsT8
After dispersing the demonstration, freedom-callers regroup:http://youtu.be/jIja5rptNqQ
- New demonstration after late afternoon prayers from Noor Al Shuhada' mosque in the direction of Al Bayan mosque:http://youtu.be/s2Y_bSUo1pI
3. Al Sikaree: Demonstration from Owis Al Qarnee mosque after Friday prayers. There was a heavy spread of security who opened fire:http://youtu.be/y91Ks9ZsYaQ
- New demonstration after late afternoon prayers lead by a child singing Al Qashoush's lyrics:http://youtu.be/1URXikrtzYc
4. Saif Al Dowleh district: Demonstration after Friday prayers from Al Sheet mosque:http://youtu.be/ZdxYVMEtu-0
- Second demonstration from Zeno mosque in response to massacres carried out by the regime:http://youtu.be/NhDWcOhUeOo
5. Bostan Al Qasr: Large demonstration after Friday prayers which joined with demonstration from neighbouring Al Kilaseh and security gangs open fire on the demonstrators, causing many injured:http://youtu.be/6u1b8bJgjzY
Freedom-callers heading towards the square:http://youtu.be/EuMEDxO8hvI
Birds-eye view of the joining of the demonstrators from Bostan Al Qasr and Al Kilaseh:http://youtu.be/b37AA5XLpa8
Burning Assad's pictures and open fire:http://youtu.be/shzQPy6GmGE
Demonstrators stand in front of shabeeha [regime thugs] and dare them [to act]:http://youtu.be/ZulAu6hI3po
Later, the Free Syria Army respond to Assad's gangs after they open fire on demonstrators and injured 6 people including a critical injury. A shabeeha [regime thug] car was burnt and demonstrators carry members of the Free Syria Army on their soldiers and chant for them:http://youtu.be/mtuam2dCYWA
6. Al Kallaseh: 2 demonstrations after Friday prayers from Abu Al Raja' mosque and Al Musala mosque moving towards Badr mosque in Bostan Al Qasr.
Birds-eye view of when the Al Kallaseh demonstration joined the Bostan Al Qasr demonstration:http://youtu.be/b37AA5XLpa8
7. Al Sakhoor: Demonstration after Fridabasherers from Al Mastaghfreen mosque:http://youtu.be/nE6Nw7hsJKE
8. Al Maghayer: Demonstration after Friday prayers from Abu Hurairah mosque and Omar Bin Al Khattab mosque, joining with freedom-callers from Bostan Al Qasr:http://youtu.be/t9TKT8xaViw
The convergence with freedom-callers from Bostan Al Qasr:http://youtu.be/cssTZLhyajc
9. Halab Al Jadeedeh [New Aleppo]: Demonstration after Friday prayers from Sa'd Bin Rabee' mosque:http://youtu.be/xwKaLJxFnQg
Footage of the entire demonstration:http://youtu.be/oFtJw7CcAS4
10. Masakin Hanano: Demonstrations after Friday prayers from Amr Bin Aljamooh mosque and 'Othman Bin 'Afan mosque. Security forces opened fire on the demonstration:http://youtu.be/R64XyhptPjk
Clips from another angle:http://youtu.be/g4p0xBAsglc
The security's assault:http://youtu.be/qO-plgtX7V8
11. Al Mashhad: Demonstration after Friday prayers from Al Mo'mineen mosque:
From Al Mo'mineen mosque:http://youtu.be/K-gZjhwdEbQ
Thousands in Al Mashhad:http://youtu.be/UrrmPKSrieY
Birds-eye view clip:http://youtu.be/a_7bEOFQG_c
Another clip taken from a rooftop:http://youtu.be/ACudsrYQIL0
12. Al Shahba': Large demonstration from Aseed Bin Hadeer mosque from freedom-callers in Nile Road and Al Mogambo. The demonstration took place no more than 200 metres away from the air intelligence branch [mukhabarat]http://youtu.be/a5B7ctlJP2U
13. Karam Al Jabal: Demonstration after Friday prayers from Al Asrar mosque in the direction of Al Sha'ar roundabout:http://youtu.be/_XhKhJccpXw
14. Al Sheikh Firdos: Very large demonstration after Friday prayers from Al Sheikh Firdos mosque:http://youtu.be/uMaNz0EMIa0
Birds-eye view:http://youtu.be/_0Qxqsqax1Y
15. Jam'iyet Al Zahra': Demonstration in front of Hamza mosque at 2pm due to the suffocating blockade on the mosques in the district:http://youtu.be/5WNGalokHns
Reported daytime demonstrations with no video footage- Salah Al Deen, Al Hallek, Bostan Al Qasr, Tareeq Al Bab, Al Hamdaniyeh, Al Maysar, Al Firdos, Al Marjeh, Al Furqan.
Evening Demonstrations
1. Al Marjeh-http://youtu.be/m2hKowQ3D64
2. Masakin Hanano: Demonstration from 'Arwah Al Barqee mosque after evening prayers:http://youtu.be/U8fixinHuPI
Another demonstration in front of Havana Lounge:http://youtu.be/kC1OoJY0T-k
3. Al Kallaseh: Funeral procession in front of Jamal mosque for female martyr 'Asia Isma'eel Basha' who was shot with a bullet by Assad's gangs on Al Sikaree checkpoint. The live broadcast:http://youtu.be/F-45JBCY5v4
Freedom-callers pass through the house of martyr 'Amir Barakat'http://youtu.be/bGNc1TxGSjc
Call for a strike in the districts of Al Kallaseh and Bostan Al Qasr tomorrow:http://youtu.be/lMMz5oaRucw
Reading of Al Fatiha (from the Qur'an) on the soul of the martyr:http://youtu.be/-EWNUTcHCRU
4. Salah Al Deen: Evening demonstration from Salah Al Deen mosque. Al Ansaree demonstration met with a demonstration from Al Mashhad and they turned to Al Shuhada' street, where they met with the demonstration from Salah Al Deen:
Crowds of freedom-callers:http://youtu.be/p0JhtUa5L0A
A great clip:http://youtu.be/ofFgL5MFrTI
A birds-eye view of the crowds:http://youtu.be/ULA7QWup7uM
From the live broadcast:http://youtu.be/-1G6yEQ-J_w
5. Al Sikaree - Large demonstration:http://youtu.be/J1OePuHv9-A
6. Al Sakhoor: Demonstration near Al Khadrah market:http://youtu.be/ZEhASpbqaIE
7. Al Ashrafiyeh - Bani Zeed: Freedom-callers from Bani Zeed came out with Al Taakhee in front of Abdulrahman Bin 'Ouf mosque after night prayers http://youtu.be/hTQTJhsqhno
8. Al Khaldiyeh: Demonstration despite security presence:http://youtu.be/aDTGZVhTfj8
Reported evening demonstrations with no video footage- Al Miyassar, Al Ansaree, Al Mashihad, Karm Al Jabal, Karam Al Jazamatee, Al Firdos, Al Nerab
Demonstrations in rural Aleppo:
Similarly to the city of Aleppo, all the demonstrations that came out chanted to topple the regime, for freedom, to execute bashar and to show solidarity with the students of Aleppo university on campus against the atrocities committed by the regime, as well as to persevere with the revolution until victory is gained, to show support and solidarity with uprising and besieged cities and with the martyrs of this revolution. Demonstrations emerged in condemnation of the massacres committed by the Syrian regime and in solidarity with Al Treimseh.
Daytime demonstrations
1. Kobani- two morning demonstrations http://youtu.be/5xmR805gCU4
Large demonstration after Friday prayers-http://youtu.be/8aP4G0hsCtI
2. Kafar Nooran- Demonstration after Friday prayershttp://youtu.be/qjiDsC3cLAc
3. Menbej- Five demonstrations in Al Karameh, Al Sirb, Tareeq Halab, AlSheikh Akeel, Tareeq AlJazeereh, crowds from all the listed neighbourhoods gathered at the square of Al Ba’jeh roundabout-http://youtu.be/_ERF2lOO8n4
4. Jarablos- Four demonstrations took off from mosques in the city and marched towards martyr square-http://youtu.be/aipceMUGObI
5. Jibreen- Morning demonstration-http://youtu.be/iAjs80EQe-Y
6. Dabiq- Demonstration after Friday prayers http://youtu.be/HryKh1C1WKo
7. Sirreen- Two demonstrations from the Big mosque and Al Souq mosque-http://youtu.be/9iFSqvgfT3o
8. Al Bab- Eight demonstrations took off from the mosques in Al Bab and converged in the freedom square, the mosques were:
The Big mosque, Omar, Othman, Fatimah Al Zahraa, Aqeel, Al Kheirat, Hamze and A’isheh mosques-
Crowds of demonstrators upon their arrival to the freedom square with the revolution flag-http://youtu.be/pKNOH8oB0kM
Crowds of demonstrators in the square-http://youtu.be/qv1fz2TFx9M
Led by a child freedom caller-http://youtu.be/fZid3X0H2M0
Chanting for the martyrs of Syria-http://youtu.be/AtA07hJzJ2s
Amazing chants by a child freedom caller- http://youtu.be/hG1nAyQfmGA
9. Daaret Izzeh- Demonstration after Friday prayers http://youtu.be/n4E-AGs-pXc
Longer video- http://youtu.be/p36jZgT7YHQ
10. Al Saharra- Two demonstrations, one from Hamze Bin Abd AlMutlab mosque which converged with the demonstration from Ahlu AlBayt mosque-http://youtu.be/kDDTSYySafE
11. Al Safirah- Demonstration after Friday prayershttp://youtu.be/6JF-qEZep8o
12. Ihtimeelat- Demonstration after Friday prayershttp://youtu.be/aq3HpIZJVsM
13. Kafar Halab- Demonstration after Friday prayershttp://youtu.be/PLMbHtcZ8u0
14. Bayanoon- Demonstration after Friday prayershttp://youtu.be/4CrhvYv4Xcw
15. Ratyan- Demonstration after Friday prayershttp://youtu.be/NBuhypNLzZ8
16. Mengh- Demonstration after Friday prayershttp://youtu.be/5cTFiwRYm_U
17. Bza’a- Large demonstration after Friday prayershttp://youtu.be/CnEOSXvm71w
18. Batbo- Demonstration after Friday prayers from the Big mosque
The moment the demonstration began from the Big mosque-http://youtu.be/yhbep5j07_E
From the demonstration- http://youtu.be/oLtAOxApc9E
Trampling on a picture of Bashar the murderer- http://youtu.be/MbqgMaxZIhc
19. Ibeen- Large demonstration after Friday prayershttp://youtu.be/SQVlzsMhLUI
20. Maare’- Demonstration after Friday prayershttp://youtu.be/6JqR6U9XFLM
21. Al Abzimo- Demonstration after Friday prayershttp://youtu.be/fTHQ9zTSbOM
22. Al Atareb- Two demonstrations after Friday prayershttp://youtu.be/FqmXguuuJwE
Crowds of demonstrators after Friday prayers despite the destruction, devastation and bombing, chants led by a child freedom callers from Al Atareb-http://youtu.be/DU6032Laj6c
23. Al Ra’ee- Demonstration after Friday prayershttp://youtu.be/zOrL2v4XcHs
24. Al Jeenih- Demonstration after Friday prayershttp://youtu.be/G_O1MklmnQo
25. Anadan- Demonstration after Friday prayershttp://youtu.be/f9iYv6IfhgI
Completion of the demonstration with revolutionary challenging slogans-http://youtu.be/E1x4v5VSMmg
26. Hreitan- Demonstration after Friday prayershttp://youtu.be/0Rwm41wu-Wg
27. Deir Jamal-http://youtu.be/A0HGz9bUeN0
28. Al Salameh- Funeral procession of the martyrs ‘Ahmad Kadaree Mohammad’, ‘Isma’eel Hamiroosh’ and ‘Isma’eel Thaath’ in Al Salameh village of Azaaz.http://youtu.be/D2flCRHIYPo
29. Al Neeyara- Funeral procession of the martyr ‘Ghazee Mohammad Al’Azou’http://youtu.be/eyoavmqKUIs
30. Al Maqri- Demonstration after Friday prayers.http://youtu.be/9Fic5lA6Mbc
31. Shyoukh Fouqani- Demonstration after Friday prayers.http://youtu.be/ypHjJtR7JvU
32. Al Tafree’a AlKabira- http://youtu.be/t71dRxV4aiM
Reported demonstrations with no video footage- Tal Rifa’t, Akhtareen, Qabaseen, Al Khafsa, Kafar Hamra, Kaljibreen, Deir Hafer, Al Touqali, Beesh Jirn, Tuqad, Sandarah, Al Salameh, Azaaz.
Evening demonstrations
1. Al Mareemeen-http://youtu.be/rheTojQM3w0
Revolution flag raised on one of the buildings-http://youtu.be/t--lkQRJXhY
2. Dabiq- Evening demonstration http://youtu.be/moUmJ6YDLnU
3. Kafar Naya- Evening demonstrationhttp://youtu.be/urEA7NnmOlw
4. Soran- Amazing demonstrationhttp://youtu.be/EKvXR0jAWFk
5. Al Ziadah- Evening demonstration http://youtu.be/rIfNpeIkkXU
Reported evening demonstrations with no video footage- Qaq Homs, Al Barouzeh, Irshaaf, Douwebeq.
* Turkey- Al Islahia mosque- Mass demonstration in the camphttp://youtu.be/B1K14jJJewA
1. Salah al Deen- A comic interview with demonstrators, people accused of being Al Qaeda in Syria-http://youtu.be/upe5tIra8Wg
2. Sourthern rural Menbej- Friday prayers out in the open-http://youtu.be/8_oav42m6rI
Delayed videos and news:
1. Al Marjeh: Evening videos from yesterday (Thursday):http://youtu.be/paO3oaY8oMw
Summary for 13/07/2012
Number of arrests: A campaign of arbitrary arrests in Al Sha'ar, Karm AlJabal. A reported campaign of arrests in took place at Al Bab barrier, 100 detained.
Number of martyrs: 10, including a martyr from Jisr Al Shughoor in Idlib
Number of protests: 122 (in 78 places) - Aleppo city: 52 protests in 27 places. Rural Aleppo: 70 protests in 51 places. 20 demonstrations took off from the city and rural Aleppo before Fajr prayers.
Peaceful revolutionary activities: 0
Number of protests that had fire opened on them: 3
Number of cases of opening fire: 9
Number of shelled places: 10
Number of times that heavy army equipment was used: 2
Number of defections: 0
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