Report on the province of Aleppo and its surroundings
* The medical and humanitarian is very dire in Al Bab in rural Aleppo.http://youtu.be/USSZ7qzpZyk
1. Rural Aleppo - Al Kaseibeh: lawyerr 'As'ad Faisal Al Agha' martyred as a result of the heavy shelling from the 46th regiment and ICARDA checkpoint. His funeral procession took place this morning, with another 20 injured, some with cut off limbs.
2. Rural Aleppo - Al Atareb: 'Madhar 'Akoush' martyred during a battle at the Police School:http://youtu.be/NsM5Ag0h0bs
Praying for the martyr:http://youtu.be/b59UTUSzZeM
3. Tareeq Al Bab [Arab spring district]: 'Hassan Mahmoud Jablee', 26 years and a father of 3 children, martyred from a sniper shot from Jisr Al Mashah checkpoint.
4. Al Sakhoor: 'Mahmoud Hameed 'Asee', 27 yearsm martyred from a security bullet in his stomach. He had a son and a daughter.
5. Rural Aleppo - Al Kaseibeh: 'Mohammad Emad' martyred as a result of the shelling:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmjcjh-CtvU
6. Al Neirab: 'Mahrous Sheikh Ahmad' martyred as a result of the shelling on Sarameen in Idlib.
7-8. Salah Al Deen/Al Hamdaniyeh: 2 unidentified martyrs who were found in a Nemra car with their legs shackled and with traces of torture on their bodies on Hamdaniyeh highway in front of Noor hall.
9. Rural Aleppo - Deir Hafer: 'Mohammad Al Satouf', 25 years, martyred as a result of the shelling.
10. Rural Aleppo - Deir Hafer: 'Abu Waheed', 60 years and lives alone and whose full name is not known, martyred as a result of the shelling today.
11. Rural Aleppo - Azaaz: 'Mostafa Hassan Mamad', 36 years and married with 4 children, martyred as a result of the shelling at Bab Al Salameh crossing with 2 additional unidentified bodies.
12. Rural Aleppo - Azaaz: 'Maher Masnee Sheikho', with 2 children, martyred as a result of the shelling on Bab Al Salameh crossing.
13. Rural Aleppo - Azaaz: 'Abdullah Adel Kano' martyred as a result of the shelling on Bab Al Salameh crossing.
14. Rural Aleppo - Azaaz: 'Ahmad Ibrahim 'Akash ['Antabee']' martyred as a result of the shelling on Bab Al Salameh crossing.
15. Salah Al Deen: 'Motee' Ibn Ma'rouf Houree', 24 tearsm martyred in the hands of Assad militias.
16. Bostan Al Qasr: 'Mos'ab Sha'bouq', 17 years, martyred as a result of his injury of a bullet wound from security forces at dawn.
17. Rural Aleppo - Arshaf: female 'Rima Al Ahmad', 60 years, was shot yesterday by security at Al Heidariyeh roundabout and was martyred today as a result of her injury. She lived in Al Heidariyeh but was originally from Arshaf.
1. Injured and wounded-
- Rural Aleppo - Al Kaseibeh: injuries from the shelling:http://youtu.be/lP6w91Is5VU
2. Al Maysar: security hide on building rooftops and there is fear in the district of an impending campaign of arrests.
3. Tareeq Al Bab: smoke billows from the district:http://youtu.be/Z1lA7SXvTLQ
4. Al Sakhour: one of the houses targeted by a tank shell:http://youtu.be/_hHfm53LgxM
5. Al Heidariyeh - Ard Al Hamra: great number of residents fleeing as a result of raids of the districts with T72 tanks and the targeting of surrounding neighbourhoods with helicopters.
6. Civilians fleeing to Tareeq Al Bab from Al Sakhour and Masakin Hanano:http://youtu.be/CjZIMiLTv0Y
Cases of gunfire
1. Salah Al Deen: clashes and heavy open fire since yesterday:http://youtu.be/Nh6cfvySxAM
-Heavy explosion and renewed clashes between the Free Syria Army and regime militias.
-After iftar [breaking fast] time: renewed clashes between the Free Syria Army and regime militias.
-Before midnight: clashes remain heavy between the Free Syria Army and regime militias:http://youtu.be/IJqRnXSOiTc
2. Al Jamiliyeh: clashes and heavy open fire at the military court at dawn today.
3. Al Martini/Al Mardayan: heavy open fire and clashes at the immigration building and the police headquarters at dawn today:http://youtu.be/lyVNvlhnDro
4. Nazlet Adonis: heavy open fire with arms and machine guns coinciding with Al Martini at dawn today:http://youtu.be/otq6QI6TJZI
5. Al Firdous: heavy open fire and violent clashes at Nadi Al Dabat [officers club] at dawn today.
6. Al Itha'ah: clashes and heavy open fire at dawn today:http://youtu.be/tmrJoX9M_Y0
7. Al Zabadiyeh: clashes and open fire at the police station during the morning:http://youtu.be/wpF_dEgQ4Vg
8. Al Sakhour: since the morning, strong clashes at Al Sakhour roundabout and takbeers [Allahu akbar - God is great] from Al Mustaghfareen mosque.
-Renewed clashes in the late afternoon.
9. Tareeq Al Bab: clashes and heavy open fire and smoke is billowing from the district on the way to the airport:http://youtu.be/Z1lA7SXvTLQ
10. Masakin Hanano: heavy clashes this morning opposite 'Orwah Al Barqee mosque:http://youtu.be/y39nSvelNbA
Clashes at Hanano highway:http://youtu.be/xs-YzJl2tWQ
-Renewed clashes in the late afternoon.
11. Saif Al Dowleh: extremely heavy open fire from an unknown source at midnight.
Places that were bombed/ shelled:
1. Rural Aleppo - Al Buwaybeh: shelling from the 46th regiment targeting residential houses during the hours before dawn.
2. Rural Aleppo - Al Kaseibeh: fall of a shell on one of the houses and critical injuries among the residents during the hours before dawn.
3. Rural Aleppo - Al Ibzamo: shelling before dawn.
Moment a rocket shell fell:http://youtu.be/sMb0eg0HBoA
4. Al Sheikh Najjar: helicopters and shelling of the district:http://youtu.be/cRoSy8Uz0Ac
5. Masakin Hanano" helicopters open fire with heavy machine guns towards houses.
Smoke billowing:http://youtu.be/b3EhK2zFF0s
Helicopters above Hanano and Al Sakhour:http://youtu.be/NWKVCtjJjLc
-Collapse of a building with a tank shell between the districts of Masakin Hanano and Al Sakhour.
-Al Ard Al Hamra: smoke billowing from the helicopter shelling:http://youtu.be/l-Ei8cPT5wg
6. Al Sakhour: helicopters open fire with heavy machine guns towards houses.
Tanks storm the district and pound it with shells:http://youtu.be/gicUv9XSPuA
Helicopters in the sky while the adhan calls:http://youtu.be/RVkb7C9i1vs
7. Tareeq Al Bab: helicopters contribute to the shelling:http://youtu.be/1VxxI8K1z9Q
8. Ak Heidariyeh: T72 tanks pound the district and residents flee:http://youtu.be/zwIetnoP4bU
9. Hayyan: continuous artillery shelling from Assad militia.
10. Rural Aleppo - Azaaz: helicopters shell with heavy machine guns.
11. Rural Aleppo Deir Hafer: helicopters ehll with heavy machine guns, in addition to the fall of 6 rockets across the city.
12. Rural Aleppo - Daret 'Izeh: Assad militias shell the village.
Number of times that heavy army equipment was seen ‘tanks and armoured vehicles’
1. Al Hamdaniyeh highway: a convoy of tanks at dawn today, in what appeared to be an attempt to raid the district Salah Al Deen.
2. Al Martini: pressence of a tank or military vehicle at Al Korah Al Ardiyeh roundabout at dawn, in conjunction with a battle at the police headquarters.
3. Al Sakhour: helicopters participate in shelling with machine guns on residential houses:http://youtu.be/P5PFtRzIWqI
4. Masakin Hanano: flying helicopters participate the shelling.
Helicopters above Al Sakhour and neighbouring Hanano:http://youtu.be/NWKVCtjJjLc
5. Al Sheikh Najjar: helicopter shelling:http://youtu.be/cRoSy8Uz0Ac
6. Tareeq Al Bab: helicopters:http://youtu.be/1VxxI8K1z9Q
7. Al Heidariyeh: entrance of T72 tanks targeting the photography building:http://youtu.be/zwIetnoP4bU
Demonstrations that had fire opened onto:
1. Al Khaldiyeh: shabeeha [regime thugs] and security open fire on an evening demonstration.
2. Al Ashrafiyeh: open fire on demonstrators:http://youtu.be/kCa8KcpnhZw
1. Al Jamiliyeh: military police arrested 5 young civilians.
Demonstrations in the city of Aleppo:
Freedom callers that participated in the demonstrations that the province of Aleppo saw today all came out calling for freedom, to topple the regime and to show solidarity and support of the occupied, besieged and uprising cities, especially Aleppo suburbs, Salah Al Deen and Al Midan, as well as to persevere with the revolution until victory is gained, and to rebuild a better Syria for all.
Reported daytime demonstrations with no video footage- Al Sha'ar, Bostan Al Qasr, Al Hamdaniyeh.
Evening demonstrations
1. Al Martini: demonstration before iftar [breaking fast time]:http://youtu.be/G0roP1UhIek
2. Masakin Hanano: 4 very large demonstrations after the liberation from 'Ouret Al Barqee mosque, 'Othman Bin 'Affan mosque, Omar Bin Al Khattab mosque and Al Abbas mosque:http://youtu.be/o0fzGnIUOfw
3. Saif Al Dowleh: large demonstration with the participation of women:http://youtu.be/p4zZLKKmNLM
4. Aqyoul-http://youtu.be/LslcxoeSInc
5. Al Sha'ar-http://youtu.be/dY-FKOjju60
6. Halab Al Jdeedeh: large demonstration after taraweeh [Ramadan prayers] from Al Sheikh Omar mosque and raising a long revolution flag.
Moment the demonstration began:http://youtu.be/szLgRylh4rM
The arrival of crowds of freedom-callers to the square:http://youtu.be/w5ObmlnbHWA
7. Al Ma'adee: demonstration from Al Ma'adee mosque:http://youtu.be/IS3OGCJGxFg
8. Al Sakhour: large demonstration under the protection of the Free Syria Army in Ansaf road:http://youtu.be/K9QFsBbZ3Hw
9. A; Ashrafiyeh: large demonstration after taraweeh [Ramadan prayers] and raising the revolution flag from the highest minaret in Al Badawee mosque and open fire on the demonstrators:http://youtu.be/ejl19p0SunI
Opening fire on demonstraters:http://youtu.be/kCa8KcpnhZw
10. Al Furqan: demonstration after taraweeh [Ramadan prayers] with the participation of women from Sa'd Al Za'eem mosque:http://youtu.be/71NulSB4Dws
Women chanting:http://youtu.be/-7bTd7BXqLU
11. Al Itha'ah-http://youtu.be/_KfyZzBrP-Q
Clip of the demonstration at martyr Al Hendawee's house:http://youtu.be/QTTMtYUxulY
Blocking off the main road:http://youtu.be/ZbF__rFRHLY
12. Masakin Al Sabeel: large demonstration after taraweeh [Ramadan prayers] from Al Shafa'ee mosqueue.
Moment the demonstration started and chants for Salah Al Deen:http://youtu.be/YbT4ZGL9gmY
In front of the mosque chanting for Al Midan and the Free Syria Army:http://youtu.be/-h2iC3E0mpU
13. Jam'iyet Al Zahra': demonstration after taraweeh [Ramadan prayers] from Ka'b Bin Malik mosque with chants to the tune of famous revolution song "Jannah ya wattannah":http://youtu.be/eqHmJlpOh3Y
14. Al Marjeh: large demonstration after taraweeh [Ramadan prayers] with great banners:http://youtu.be/gitDxc5gQIc
15. Al Neirab" demonstration after taraweeh [Ramadan prayers]:http://youtu.be/NWOrfeFErkM
Reported evening demonstrations with no video footage- - Al Hamdaniyeh, Al Maghayer, Al Hellok, Al A'thamiyeh, Al Maysar, Al Sikaree, Salah Al Deen, Al Khaldiyeh, Al Firdous, Al Kallaseh, Bostan Al Qasr, Al Sheikh Maqsoud, Halab Al Qadeemeh.
Demonstrations in rural Aleppo:
Similarly to the city of Aleppo, all the demonstrations that came out chanted to topple the regime, for freedom, to execute bashar and to show solidarity with the students of Aleppo university on campus against the atrocities committed by the regime, as well as to persevere with the revolution until victory is gained, to show support and solidarity with uprising and besieged cities and with the martyrs of this revolution.
1. Al Atareb: funeral procession for hero martyr 'Modhar 'Akoush':http://youtu.be/zvgKER5AI7o
2. Dabeq: demonstration after taraweeh [Ramadan prayers]:http://youtu.be/p8-usp7vRgE
3. Mare': demonstration after taraweeh [Ramadan prayers]:http://youtu.be/KK0-dCkgcl4
Reported demonstrations with no video footage- Zeitan, Kafar Naseh.
Peaceful revolutionary activities:
1. Al Maysar: freedom-callers block off the main road during a demonstration with burning tyres.
2. Al Firdous: freedom-callers block off the main road during demonstrations after taraweeh [Ramadan prayers] with burning tyres.
3. Al Itha'ah: freedom-callers block off the main road during a demonstration:http://youtu.be/ZbF__rFRHLY
4. Saif Al Dowleh: blocking off the main road at a checkpoint:http://youtu.be/uFCNQNFuWs4
5. Al Martini: women spray graffiti during a demonstration before iftar [breaking fast] time.https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=452473244785798&set=a.446465362053253.105759.445188832180906&type=1&theater
6. Salah Al Deen: a campaign of cleaning the roads of the district while the nation has stopped caring for Salah Al Deen and Saif Al Dowleh:https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=343083905773587&set=a.149447628470550.37538.140611186020861&type=1&theater
1. Salah Al Deen: defection of a First Lieutenant who joined the Free Syria Army.
2. Salah Al Deen: defection of a tank commander from Idlib who joined the Free Syria Army.
3. Defection of Colonel 'Ibrahim Al Hareeree', head of security guards in Aleppo, and Captain 'Yazen Al Hareeree', head of the industrial zone of salaries of the police headquarters. They fled to Turkey with their families under the protection of the Free Syria Army.
1. Al Sha'ar: security forces issued an order to close Noor Al Shuhada' mosque with the excuse of maintenance after the loss of control of security in the district.
2. Statement of the Military Council in Aleppo announcing a general alarm:http://youtu.be/set3WVqkv40
Delayed videos and news:
1. Al Ashrafiyeh: evening demonstration yesterday with fireworks:http://youtu.be/2jXw-R5knxU
Summary for 22.07/2012:
Number of arrests: 5
Number of martyrs: 17
Number of protests: 38 (33 in the city, 5 in the suburbs)
Peaceful revolutionary activities: 6
Number of protests that had fire opened on them: 2
Number of cases of opening fire: 11
Number of shelled places: 12
Number of times that heavy army equipment was used: 7
Number of defections: 4
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