Report on the province of Aleppo and its surroundings 04/02/2013 [SYRIA]
• Summary for 04/02/2013:
Number of arrests: (since yesterday and up until today) 100
Number of martyrs: 22
Number of demonstrations: 4
Peaceful revolutionary activities: 2
Number of demonstrations that had fire opened onto: -
Number of cases of opening fire: 5
Number of shelled places: 13
Number of times that heavy army equipment was used: 3
Number of defections: 1
• Violations:
1) Injured and wounded:
*Bani Zaid: a number were injured by the artillery shelling:
2) Qadee Askar: impact after a rocket fell on a cemetery:
-The health institute caught fire after it was targeted by Assad’s warplanes:
3) Ma’saraneh: impact of the indiscriminate shelling of a house in the youth housing area:
4) Bani Zaid: impact of the artillery shelling:
5) Jdaideh: destruction in the road leading to Hateb square:
-Impact of the shelling:
-Impact of the shelling of Amer Muhammad school:
6) Old Aleppo: impact of the shelling of a house in the districts of Old Aleppo:
7) Rural Aleppo - Manegh: destruction caused by the warplane shelling:
8) Rural Aleppo - Rasm al-Aboud village: impact of the aerial shelling:
9) Aleppo: Assad’s militia burned bodies after abusing and desecrating them 18+:
9) A’thamiyeh: Assad’s militia stationed in Uwaija corner and looted a bus traveling between Hamdaniyeh and Jamiliya after expelling the passengers and the driver in the aternoon.
• Cases of gunfire:
1) Zahraa’: clashes took place between the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and Assad’s militia around the air intelligence branch [mukhabaraat] during the early hours of dawn. Soldiers at Qurtuba roundabout he checkpoint opened fire every now and then.
2) Salah al-Deen: clashes took place between the FSA and Assad’s militia near Sa’d mosque in the evening.
3) A’thamiyeh: clashes took place between the FSA and Assad’s militia at the traffic lights in A’thamiyeh and the signs of Uwaija sweet shop.
4) Ashrafiyeh: Assad’s militia opened fire from douksha machine guns at the second roundabout checkpoint in the evening.
5) Share’ al-Neel: sounds of explosions were heard near the Tub al-Arabi roundabout.
• Places that were shelled:
1) Ma’adee: 2 artillery shells fell during the early hours of dawn.
2) Sikaree: a shell fell in the afternoon.
3) Qadee Askar: warplanes shelled the health institute in the afternoon:
4) Salah al-Deen: a shell fell in the afternoon.
5) Bani Zaid: artillery shelling in the evening.
6) Around brigade 80: helicopter shelling in the evening around Brigade 80.
7) The citadel: artillery shelling around the citadel in the evening.
* Shelling of Aleppo countryside:
8) Al-Bab: artillery shelling during the early hours of dawn.
9) Hayyan: shelling from rocket launchers during the early hours of dawn.
10) Khanaser: artillery and warplane shelling in the late afternoon.
11) Tel Aran: warplane shelling in the late afternoon.
12) Tel Abour: warplane shelling of the village in the late afternoon, which is situated west of Safira city.
13) Safira: artillery shelling in the evening.
• Number of times that heavy army equipment was seen (tanks/armoured vehicles/jets):
1) Hamdaniyeh: warplanes flew overhead in the morning.
2) New Aleppo [Halab al-Jadida]: helicopters flew overhead in the evening.
3) Tareeq al-Bab: helicopters flew overhead in the evening.
• Martyrs:
1) Marjeh: Abdul-Rahman Mukhaybar al-Shaghel, 27 years, was killed during clashes in Old Aleppo in Awameed neighbourhood.
2) Ansaree: Muhammad al-Sayyid Bin Abdullah, 41 years, was recovered dead from under the rubble caused by yesterday’s shelling.
3) Ansaree: female Safaa’ Ghanem Bint Tawfeeq, wife of Muhammad al-Sayyed, 31 years, was recovered dead from under the rubble caused by yesterday’s shelling.
4) Ansaree: child Tawfeeq al-Sayyid Bin Muhammad, 8 years, was recovered dead from under the rubble caused by yesterday’s shelling.
5) Ansaree: child Sabah al-Sayyid Bint Muhammad, 15 years, is still under the rubble caused by yesterday’s shelling.
6) Ansaree: Muhammad Kurdee Bin Ahmad, 27 years, was recovered dead from under the rubble caused by yesterday’s shelling.
7) Ansaree: female Kafaa’ al-Sayyid Bint Abdullah, wife of martyr Muhammad Kurdee, 20 years, was recovered dead from under the rubble caused by yesterday’s shelling.
8) Ansaree: child Hanaa’ Kurdee, daughter of Muhammad, 4 years, was recovered dead from under the rubble caused by yesterday’s shelling.
9) Ansaree: child Muhammad Kurdee, 2 years, was recovered dead from under the rubble caused by yesterday’s shelling.
10) Bani Zaid: Mustafa Mustafa, 85 years, was killed by the shelling:
11) Bustan al-Qasr: an unidentified martyr was sniped while crossing the garage checkpoint:
12) Rural Aleppo - Khanaser: Talal al-Ali was killed by the shelling.
13) Rural Aleppo - Khanaser: Khalid al-Ali was killed by the shelling.
14) Rural Aleppo - Khanaser: Ahmad al-Hamidi al-Hassan was killed by the shelling.
15) Rural Aleppo - Khanaser: Ibrahim al-Hassan was killed by the shelling.
16-18) Rural Aleppo - Khanaser: 3 unidentified child martyrs were killed by the shelling.
19) Rural Aleppo - Khanaser: an unidentified martyr, 20 years, was killed during clashes in Khanaser.
20) Rural Aleppo - Safira: Hussain Ali al-Nayef al-Aloush, 20 years, was killed during clashes in Khanaser.
21) Rural Aleppo - Atareb: Husam Muhammad Abdul-Rahman died from wounds he had sustained from clashes in Salah al-Deen in the month of Ramadan:
22) Rural Aleppo - Khafseh: Faseeh Farah al-Ghanem was killed during clashes in the military garage checkpoint.
• Martyrs from other provinces:
-Rural Hama - Kafar Zeita: activist Qutaiba al-Amouree, a student in the agricultural engineering faculty at the university of Aleppo, 5th year, was sniped in Sheikh Sa’eed in Aleppo:
-Idlib: Ahad Barakat was killed under torture after his arrest in Ashrafiyeh neighbourhood in Aleppo yestyerday. His body was found today at Ashrafiyeh roundabout.
• Also documented:
-Rural Aleppo - Safira: activist Ahmad al-Saleh al-Ma’rouf Basem Saqar, a third year student in the faculty of agriculture, was martyred during clashes in Manegh airport 3 days ago. He was one of the founders of “Freedom callers of Aleppo university”, which later joined all revolutionary universities.
• Arrests:
1) Ashrafiyeh: over 100 people have been arrested from Ashrafiyeh neighbourhood since yesterday and up until today.
• Demonstrations:
1) Sikaree: evening demonstration from Awais al-Qarnee mosque demanding reform within the FSA and the fall of the regime:
2) Ma’adee: evening demonstration from Ma’adee mosque condemning the crimes committed by Assad’s militia and demanding the fall of the regime.
3) Tareeq al-Bab: evening demonstration from Abdullah Bin Mas’oud mosque calling for freedom 04/02/2013:
4) Al-Atareb: funeral procession for martyr Husaam Abdul-Rahman:
• Peaceful Revolutionary Acts:
1) Tareeq al-Bab: a number of activists in the neighbourhood went on strike, demanding battalions of the FSA to go to the battlefields.
2) Masakin Hanano: painting done by civilians that expresses the horrors committed by the Assad regime against civilians:
• Defections:
1) The defection of a military from Rahbeh (near Kindee hospital) was secured. He was from Latakia.
• Miscellaneous:
1) Sikaree: cutting trees from parks for heating:
2) Eastern Ansaree: a continuous search operation under the rubble:
-Colonel Abdul-Jabbar al-Akidee visited Ansaree neighbourhood after Assad’s militia committed the massacre:
3) New Aleppo [Halab al-Jadida]: the checkpoint at Sanam roundabout carried out searches of cars and people to whomever is of military service age.
4) Qadee Askar: interview with civilians after a rocket fell:
5) Jdaideh: an injured child with leishmaniasis:
-Monitoring regime road barricades near Hateb square:
6) Hamdaniyeh: a checkpoint belonging to Assad’s militia in the 4th district, at the Directorate of Training and Rehabilitation junction, carried out thorough searches of cars.
7) Bab al-Nasr: children having fun despite the shelling:
8) Muwasalaat: the spread of rubbish in the neighbourhood:
9) Jamiliyeh: Sa’d Allah al-Jabri square carried out thorough searches on identity cards and arrested a passer-by in the evening.
10) Masakin Hanano: a revolutionary wedding for a resident of the neighbourhood:
11) New Aleppo [Halab al-Jadida]: an Assad militia checkpoint at Muhandisoon roundabout loot most of the goods in vans on a daily basis after thoroughly searching them.
12) Ashrafiyeh: a great number of soldiers from the Republican Guard and shabeeha [regime thugs] spread throughout the day and are permanently patrolling and combing through the neighbourhood.
-The leader of operations to storm Ashrafiyeh, a captain from Sahel [the coast], took the real estate office stationed on the first roundabout and made it his headquarters. An officer ranking First Lieutenant from the the Republican Guard launched night patrols in the neighbourhood that sometimes reached Nawrouz bakery, located at the terminal of the bus route. As for the spread of the checkpoints, they are as follows:
1) A checkpoint at the first roundabout
2) A checkpoint at Uthman hospital
3) A checkpoint at the return line in Ashrafiyeh, near the Sabbagh Hummus shop
4) A checkpoint stationed near Dar’ouzi junction
5) A checkpoint at the second roundabout
6) A checkpoint before the market junction, which is only stationed during the day time. At night, soldiers retreat from it to the direction of the second roundabout.
-The regime army took the police station in the neighbourhood and are using it as their headquarters. Many internally displaced refugees have fled from it, as for a long while it was a place to where civilians would flee from the surrounding districts.
As for the public protection checkpoints (YPG), most of these checkpoints have withdrawn and the spread of checkpoints is as follows:
1) A checkpoint at Akhtal school
2) A checkpoint at the youth residential area
3) A checkpoint near Younes Saba’awi school
13) Rural Aleppo - Kuweirs airport: helicopters attempted to drop food to Assad’s militia who are beseiged in the airport:
14) Rural Aleppo: a convoy consisting of large numbers of tanks and Assad’s militia arrived from Hama in the direction of Khanaser town. It is thought that the convoy is heading to Safira, and the rebels are clashing with them in Hamam area and are asking for support from all brigades of the Free Syrian Army.
15) Rural Aleppo - Safira: Assad’s militia took control of Khanaser town after beseiging it with around 3000 soldiers and shabeeh [regime-loyalist paid militia thugs] and 23 tanks. It is expected that they will continue onto the defence factories in Safira city.
16) Rural Aleppo - Anadan: an emotional interview with the father of detainee Ghiyath Qareet:
-An interview with the liberated prisoner Ghiyath Qareet:
• Delayed news and videos:
1) Aleppo university: 03/02/2013- some revolutionaries from the engineering faculty poured red ink as an expression to commemorate the martyrs of Aleppo university:
2) Mayassar: 03/02/2013-
-The point of electricity distribution in the neighbourhood was burned and some residents attempted to put out the fire:
-Repairing electrical wires:
3) Sabe’ Bahraat: impact of the indiscriminate shelling of Sabe’ Bahraat roundabout 03/02/2013:
4) Bustan al-Basha: a number of shells fell on the sports institute: 03/02/2013:
5) Hamdaniyeh: a young man was injured yesterday evening by snipers stationed in Atfa’iyeh roundabout.
6) Eastern Ansaree: footage shows a mother crying for her children and a man who has lost his children:
7) Mashariqa: the main road was under fire by Assad militia snipers. Civilians fear crossing the road 03/02/2013:
8) Ansaree: recovering bodies from under the rubble at night 03/02/2013:
9) Rural Aleppo - Kuweirs: monitoring warplanes and helicopters inside the air faculty (part 1)
(Part 2)
10) Rural Aleppo: monitoring Assad militia’s barricades near Harariya stadium 03/02/2013:
11) Rural Aleppo - Tala’ran: impact of the shelling of a house 29/01/2013:
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