Report on the province of Aleppo and its surroundings 04/10/2012 up until 8pm
• Summary for 04/10/2012 up until 8pm:
Number of arrests: 0
Number of martyrs: 25, including one from Jisr Al Shughour in Idlib province, who was killed during clashes in Al Midan.
Number of demonstrations: 1
Peaceful revolutionary activities: 0
Number of protests that had fire opened on them: 0
Number of cases of opening fire: 2
Number of shelled places: 7
Number of times that heavy army equipment was used: 0
Number of defections: 0
• Violations:
1) Injured and wounded-
•Al Sakhour: extracting a shrapnel from a civilian:
•Al Sikaree: child Ahmad Anwar was wounded by a shell fragment:
2) Al Sakhour: impact of the artillery shelling and its destruction:
-Impact of the shelling of Ghaza school:
3) Bustan Al Qasr: impact of the indiscriminate shelling:
• Cases of gunfire:
1) Al Sakhour: heavy gunfire on the outskirts of the district.
2) Al Itha’ah: violent clashes between the Free Syrian Army and the regime army.
• Places that were bombed/shelled:
1) Al Sheikh Khadar: artillery shelling.
2) Al Tahaan: shelling of Abdul Qader Aswad school:
3) Ba’eideen: warplanes flew overhead the sky and shelled some places using heavy machine guns.
4) Al Hellok: 4 shells targeted Al Khadra souq [green market] when there were many civilians around. A number of wounded are scattered on the ground, and civilians are attempting to succour them.
5) Karam Al Nazha: violent artillery shelling of civilian houses right now. No casualties were reported.
6) Al Sikaree: renewed violent artillery shelling of the district.
7) Qadee Askar: shelling near Karaz Dada graveyard.
• Martyrs:
1-2) Al Arqoub: 2 unidentified martyrs were sniped and were on the road:
3-5) Al A’thamiyeh: 3 martyrs were summarily executed in front of civilian passers-by after they were brought in a closed van. Then, a car carrying civilian militias executed them with gunfire. They were left on the ground for a number of hours, before they were thrown near a dumping container.
6) Al Ansaree: Muhammad Sawas, 30 years, a member of the Free Syrian Army, was killed during clashes in Shuhada’ road in Salah Al Deen.
7) Karam Al Jabal: Fahed Al Shamee, killed from the shelling.
8) Karam Al Jabal: Hussein Basal Bin Ali, killed from the shelling.
9) Karam Al Jabal: unidentified martyr, killed from the shelling.
10) Tareeq Al Bab: Abdo Al Hamidi Ibn Mousa, killed from the shelling.
11) Al Firdous: Ahmad Abdo Qasem, a member of the Free Syrian Army, was killed during clashes in Al Midan.
12) Al Qaterjee: unidentified martyr who was killed from the shelling of Abdul Qader Aswad school, which is densely populated with displaced refugees.
13) Saif Al Dowleh: Mahmoud Tadili, known as Abu Abed, a member of the FSA, died from wounds he had sustained from snipers and shell fragments in Saif Al Dowleh.
14) Al Midan: Abu Al Bara’, a member of the FSA, was killed during clashes.
15) Al Midan: Mustafa Tajab, known as Abu Omar, a member of the FSA, was killed during clashes.
16) Al Midan: Ahmad Ibrahim Aloush, a member of the FSA, was killed during clashes.
17) Aleppo suburbs - Mare’: Hassan Mahmoud Al Hussein Al Eisa died from shrapbel wounds he had sustained yesterday in Al Heidariyeh.
18) Aleppo suburbs - Mare’: Mahmoud Omar Al Baif, killed during clashes in Al Midan:
19) Aleppo suburbs - Daret ‘Izeh: Ahmad Tano, a member of the FSA, was killed during clashes in Al Amariyeh in Aleppo.
20) Idlib suburbs - Jisr Al Shughour - Al Ziyadiya village: Wisam Saloum Ijkhaydam, a member of the FSA, was killed during clashes in Al Midan in Aleppo.
21) Al Jdaideh: female Asmaa Hassan Al Hisham was killed when an explosive TNT barrel fell from a jet plane onto her house.
22) Al Jdaideh: Abdul Qader Hassan Al Hisham was killed when an explosive TNT barrel fell from a jet plane onto his house.
23) Al Jdaideh: Hassan Abdul Qader Al Hisham was killed when an explosive TNT barrel fell from a jet plane onto his house.
24) Al Jdaideh: Aya Abdul Qader Al Hisham was killed when an explosive TNT barrel fell from a jet plane onto his house.
25) Al Sikaree: Mahmoud Fando Bin Mousa, 45 years:
• Demonstrations:
1) Al Sikaree: Funeral procession of the child martyr Abd Al Hameed Al Khateeb.
• Delayed news and videos:
1) Salah Al Deen: impact of the destruction in Salah Al Deen roundabout:
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