1-2. Rural Aleppo- Hayyan- martyrdom of young male ‘Mahmoud Shraq al Zeit’ son of Hassoun, and young male ‘Abd AlHamid Atro’ son of Ahmad, as a result of brutal, barbaric bombing on the town by Assad brigade helicopters.
3. Rural Aleppo- Tal Rifaat- With pride, the town presents its heor, the martyr ‘Abd AlSallam Abu Jamil’, a defected soldier from Assad brigades while he was defending civilians in the town of Hayyan.
4. Rural Aleppo- Maari- martyrdom of ‘Abd AlRahman Noor Abbas’ son of Mohammad, he was martyred whilst defending the civilians of Maari from Assad gangs.
1. Complete cut-off of all cellular commincations “MTN and Syriatel” this morning in Aleppo without any exceptions, as well as the continuation of communication cuts in landline and mobile communications in rural Aleppo, in particular Northern Aleppo.
Continued cut-off of all Internet services and electricity for the past several days as well as the cut-off of mobile communication networks and a very weak, if available, network, in each region and surrounding villages of Al Atareb.
2. Rural Aleppo- Constant and continuous bombing of Anadan, Hreitaan and Hayyan, over 15 hectares of wheat crops were burned as a result of the bombing.
In retaliation to the citizens and rebels of Anadan, lands were burned:
3. Rural Aleppo- Qabasain- the effects of the devastation left behind by the attack on the town, security broke into the homes of civilians:
4. Bombing from Aleppo city to rural Aleppo- the sound of rockets and missiles can be heard from the western side of Al Zahraa neighborhood and New Aleppo neighbourhood, the sound of the bombing can be heard from Al Nile Street and other neighborhoods in the city:
5. Rural Aleppo- Anadan- displacement of citizens due to incessant shelling:
6. Rural Aleppo- Anadan- one of the injured resulted due to the violent bombardment witnessed by city:
Places that were bombed/ shelled:
Heavy shelling witnessed by the majority of Northern and Western rural Aleppo-
1-2. Rural Aleppo- Hayyan and Bayanoun- heavy shelling by tanks on each of Bayanoun and Hayyan and the presence of 10 pick-up vehicles at the gas station on the road between Aleppo and Azaaz, equipped ready to raid both towns and the almost complete displacement of the citizens of Bayanoun and Hayyan as well as the complete cut-off of communications in the region:
Bombing of Hayyan:
Desctruction of 20 homes in the town as a result of brutal, indiscriminate shelling by Assad army tanks on the town and until now there is great difficulty in accessing the number of martyrs or wounded civilians, more than 40 martar shells were counted.
At night: heavy shelling on the town of Bayanoun with tanks and machine guns.
3-4. Rural Aleppo- Anadan and Hreitan: A number of tanks were used to bomb each of Anadan and Hreitan, in addition to the bombing suffered by Hayyan and Bayanoun since the morning, with the complete interruption of telecommunications in rural areas.
Anadan is exposed to heavy shelling, it is expected that there is a number of casualties and wounded civilians, we could not yet confirm the number of (if any) martyrs.
Bombing of the Media Office in the city of Anadan:
At night: the continued bombing of Anadan and Hreitan and a huge military build-up on the outskirts of Eastern Hreitan.
5. Maarit Al Artiq- the fall of several shells at the Northern side of Maarit Al Artiq.
The road between Maarit Al Artiq and Anadan was bombed to prevent the rest of the people from displacing.
6. Maari- Assad helicopters bomb using heavy machine guns the entrance to the city of Maari, the types of shells and rockets used on the city can be seen:
7. Kafar Hamra- Helicopters bombing the eastern side of the town during the evening.
8. Rural Aleppo- Two helicopters bomb the area where the displased civilians from Anadan, Hreitan and Kafar Hamra were gathered.
9. Qubtan Al Jabal- violent artillery bombardment of the town of Qubtan Al Jabal, the bombing also affects the northern and western outskirts of the village, with a complete interruption of Internet network and landline communications.
A number of wounded resulting from this artillery bombardment of the town:
10. Hardatnein- Helicopter bombing of the village: http://youtu.be/1-o_zfr_SJE
11. Ratyaan- Heavy pounding of shells on the town of Ratyaan:
12. Al Atareb- violent, heavy shelling by tanks, rockets and heavy machine guns on all the neighbourhoods of the city.
13. Kafar Karmin- heavy shelling by tanks and rocket attacks on civilian homes.
Demolition of Al Atareb and Kafar Karmin by missiles:
Number of times that heavy army equipment was seen ‘tanks and armoured vehicles’
1. Al Atareb- Prevalence of thugs and Assad security units at the entrance of the occupied city of Al Atareb:
2. Rural Aleppo- Handraat- mobilisation of 15 tanks and tens of pick-up vehicles, ready to carry out the reported news of a plan to storm into Ratyan, Hayyan and Bayanoun.
3. Rural Aleppo- Maari- Warplanes were seen leaving Mengh airport and heading in the southern direction.
4. Rural Aleppo- Qabasin- Assad gangs stormed the town of Qabasin at 1pm using more than 12 security vehicles filled with filled with 150 military units, they broke into and looted homes and destroyed shops and and arrested several people from the town.
5. Rural Aleppo- Anadan- helicopters flying over the city sky:
6. Rural Aleppo- Hreitan- Aviation bomb and fly above the sky of Hreitan:
In addition to the spread of aviation and tanks that contribute to the bombing and missile launching towards the villages of the northern countryside.
1. Rural Aleppo- Qabasin- arrest of several people from the town during a raid by security and Assad units of the town, whereby they destroyed and sabotaged property.
Demonstrations in the city of Aleppo:
Freedom callers that participated in the demonstrations that the province of Aleppo saw today all came out calling for freedom, to topple the regime and to show solidarity and support of the occupied, besieged and uprising cities, especially Aleppo suburbs, as well as to persevere with the revolution until victory is gained, and to rebuild a better Syria for all. Most demonstrations concentrated on chanting for Aleppo suburbs as many areas are being exposed to violent bombing and shelling.
1. Faculty of Science- University students do not hesitate to express their rejection of Assad and his murderous gangs, they chant for the rebels and victory before they enter an exam:
2. Salah Al Din- Evening demonstration took off from Belal mosque:
Crowds of demonstrators:
3. Al Sakhour- evening demonstration took off from Villa street in support of rural Aleppo
4. Bostan Al Qasr- large evening demonstration from Badr mosque
Amazing chants by the gathered crowds of demonstrators:
5. Al Sikaree- evening demonstration from Ouwais Al Qarni mosque
Freedom callers begin to line up and chant for the victory of the revolution, for the homeland and for the martyrs:
6. Al Marjeh- evening demonstration:
Reported demonstrations with no video footage- Hanano housing, Al Amrieh, Al Ansari, Al Ashrafieh (two demonstrations).
Demonstrations in rural Aleppo:
Similarly to the city of Aleppo, all the demonstrations that came out chanted to topple the regime, for freedom, to execute bashar and to show solidarity with the students of Aleppo university on campus against the atrocities committed by the regime, as well as to persevere with the revolution until victory is gained, to show support and solidarity with uprising and besieged cities and with the martyrs of this revolution.
1. Maari- http://youtu.be/Jt8I31P_HLA
2. Tal Rifaat- funeral procession/ demonstration of the martyr ‘Abd Al Sallam Abu Jamil’.
3. Daabiq- evening demonstration
4-5. Menbej- two demonstrations took off from the big mosque, one during the day and another after Maghreb prayers.
6. Maari- Funeral procession/ demonstration of the martyr ‘Abd AlRahman Abu Abbas’
Reported demonstrations with no video footage- Anadan.
Peaceful revolutionary activities:
1. Salah Al Din- demonstrators set fire to a street to cut off any access to it during an evening demonstration that took off in the neighbourhood:
1. Rural Aleppo- Tal Rifaat- prayer for the martyr ‘Abd Al Sallam Abu Jamil’ a defected soldier from Assad brigades, he was martyred whilst defending the citizens of Hayyan.
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